hi everyone i had a problem:

my boss wants a program that can "determined a file if it is the beggining data or not(in the database)" and "calculate the time interval between the first data and the next data..and having an 10 minute interval before it proceeds to a next data.."

ex: data1......<10 mins interval in order to proceed to another data>......data2

i hope u guyz can help me :)

what exactly do you want here??
how far you doing this?

what exactly do you want here??
how far you doing this?

3 days.......actually this is my first time working (im a fresh grad ) and i want to see some codes that fits for my current needs(my boss rather)...

want to see some codes that fits for my current needs(my boss rather)...

What is the code that you are working on ?

What is the code that you are working on ?

i did a garbage script now i didnt come for my boss expectation and now im back to start :)....im just post it here when i do a coding again..... :)

sure, looking forward to that.

sure, looking forward to that.

thankz for replying :) umm btw do u know how to manipulate a timer? i mean
that...when the timer hits a specific time (ex: every 10 minutes/seconds) it will "print or do something" and if it hits 24 hour it will automatically go back to start

you need to set the timer interval
and handle the timer_timer event.

you need to set the timer interval
and handle the timer_timer event.

ah thankzz dude...and i have last question :D

how can i add a time (hour,minute or second) in a current time?

EX. I have a filter that if i enter 1 it will add one hour/minute/second in the current time i displayed in my form

how can i add a time (hour,minute or second) in a current time?

Try this :

Label1.Caption = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") ' display current time on label

Try this :

Label1.Caption = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") ' display current time on label

thankzz :) i will apply it now and if it fits to my program i will post a problem solved :D

I think what you are looking for is DateAdd function.

I think what you are looking for is DateAdd function.

hmm...i see,,,,i just want to add the two timer

I think what you are looking for is DateAdd function.

how can i making plus operation between two or three times like this :
00:00:25 + 00:00:15 + 00:01:00 = 00:01:40..
thats what i like to be solve :)

use Split function to separate it by ":" then add the result.

use Split function to separate it by ":" then add the result.

hmmm kk I'll try thankz btw :)

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