hello im new to python and im just making simple programs(for now)
so im doing this guessing game where the user enter a number and tells him if he got it right or not.
here is the code

import random
import re
print 'This is a guessing game'
def game(guess):
    if respond < x:
        print 'nop higher'
    elif respond > x:
        print 'wow too much'   
    if respond == x:
        print 'you got it!!'
        print 'the number was ' + x
game("Guess a number: ")

i cant figure out how to loop it. it just does it once and thats it.
Any help is appreciated
Thanks in advance

You can loop indefinitely with while True . Here is the code

import random
import re

print 'This is a guessing game'

def game(guess):
    while True: # loop indefinitely
        respond = int(raw_input(guess)) # better than input()
        if respond < x:
            print 'nop higher'
        elif respond > x:
            print 'wow too much'   
            assert respond == x # necessarily true. We may assert it for debugging
            print 'you got it!!'
            print 'the number was ' + str(x) # must convert to string for addition
            break # exit the loop

game("Guess a number: ")

In python 2, use raw_input(), which reads a string, and convert the string to int instead of using input(). (in python 3, input() is python 2's raw_input().)

commented: nice help +15

thank a lot Gribouillis.
works great :)

just a question, if i want the user to choose if he can play again then i just put

print 'the number was ' + str(x)
again=raw_input("play again? ")

or do i do something else?

Another while loop around the line 20 would be clearer, although it is possible to just generate new value for x after response to continue and not to do the break.

just a question, if i want the user to choose if he can play again then i just put

print 'the number was ' + str(x)
again=raw_input("play again? ")

or do i do something else?

It's ok, but you can do a little better: offer a default option (yes), and then you must translate the answer into a boolean

again = raw_input("play again? [y] ").strip().lower()
again = (again in ('', 'y', 'yes')) # now again is True or False

strip() removes white space at both ends, in case the user enters " yes " , and lower() converts to lowercase (if the user enters "Yes").

k thanks. really apperciated

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