Hey there,

How can I create a Java application that runs when the PC is first started, a user login through the application which will allow the user to use the system. This is something like those cyber cafe applications.

I don't know if it's possible in Java, but I just want that application to lock the PC and unlock it once the user logs in.

Member Avatar for hfx642

Windows already has this built into the operating system.
They are call "User Accounts".

Windows already has this built into the operating system.
They are call "User Accounts".

the OP never said he is using windows.

well, I assume it is possible to write a login app that runs on starting up the computer, that asks for a login and hides everything else untill one is provided, and when pressed cancel, turns off he computer, but this seems quite difficult to me, since you'ld have to hide stuff which is placed by your OS as well.

I have no idea how to pull this all of, but, as already mentioned, you'll propably be able to setup an account in your OS

Windows already has this built into the operating system.
They are call "User Accounts".

I know that but I'd want to do other stuff with those accounts that aren't supported by User Accounts such as counting the number of minutes a user logged in, logging a user out if his/her time exceeded, and saving these information in a MySQL database. That's why I want to make my own one so I can customise it the way I want it. Plus, I didn't say I want to use Windows.

the OP never said he is using windows.

well, I assume it is possible to write a login app that runs on starting up the computer, that asks for a login and hides everything else untill one is provided, and when pressed cancel, turns off he computer, but this seems quite difficult to me, since you'ld have to hide stuff which is placed by your OS as well.

I have no idea how to pull this all of, but, as already mentioned, you'll propably be able to setup an account in your OS

Yeah, seems difficult.

Member Avatar for hfx642

Sorry! My appologies.
I assumed that when you mentioned a PC, you were using a Windows machine and not a Mac or Linux machine. But, doesn't OSX or Linux have user accounts?
As for executing an application when someone logs in, I'm pretty sure that ALL OSs have provisions for executing applications upon login.

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