hi i got a bank account project and i dont know how to figure out this problem
i need to be able to transfert money from checking account to saving account
if someone can help me with an exemple ,because i am a bit lost
thanks by advance

Study Following, You may get some ideas:

-Firstly, add a base interface named IBankAccount

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace BankAcc
        public interface IBankAccount
            void PayIn(decimal amount);
            bool Withdraw(decimal amount);
            decimal Balance

- Add another interface: Which is derived interface named ITransferAccount

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace BankAcc
    interface ITransferAccount:IBankAccount 
        bool TransferTo(IBankAccount destination, decimal amount);

-Add a class Named SaverAccount and write the following codes:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace BankAcc.LaxmiBank
   public class SaverAccount:IBankAccount 
       private decimal balance;
       public void PayIn(decimal amount)
           balance += amount;
       public bool Withdraw(decimal amount)
           if (balance >= amount)
               balance -= amount;
               return true;
           Console.WriteLine("Withraw Attempt Failed");
           return false;

       public decimal Balance
           get { return balance;}

       public override string ToString()
           return string.Format("Laxmi Bank Saver: Balance={0,6:c}",balance);

- Now add a class named CurrentAccount and write the following codes

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace BankAcc.InvestmentBank
    class CurrentAccount:ITransferAccount 
        private decimal balance;
        public void PayIn(decimal amount)
            balance += amount;

        public bool Withdraw(decimal amount)
            if (balance >= amount)
                balance -= amount;
                return true;
            Console.WriteLine("Withdraw Attempt Failed");
            return false;

        public decimal Balance
            get { return balance; }

        public bool TransferTo(IBankAccount destination, decimal amount)
            bool result;
            if ((result = Withdraw(amount)) == true)
            return result;

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("Investment Bank Current Account:Balance={0,6:c}", balance);

-To Test This Derived Interface write the following codes in main module:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using BankAcc;
using BankAcc.LaxmiBank;
using BankAcc.InvestmentBank;

namespace BankAcc
    class Program
        static void Main()
            IBankAccount laxmiAccount = new SaverAccount();

            ITransferAccount investmentAccount = new CurrentAccount();
            investmentAccount.TransferTo(laxmiAccount, 100);


Is this project involving databases or do you simply need two Acccount instances created that communicate?
If the later you need to create your Account class with methods (getter and setters) that alter the current amount (which will be a class variable).
Create the two classes, initialise each with a certain amount and then call your withdraw and deposit methods.

public class Account
            private float balance;
            public void Deposit(float amount)
                balance += amount;

            public void Withdraw(float amount)
                balance -= amount;

            public void TransferFunds(Account destination, float amount)

            public float Balance
                get { return balance; }

And then access like so

Account target = new Account();
public void Withdraw()
            float amount = 200.00F; 

You were in luck, I had an old test case example lying around:)

wow thank you very much

hi sir pls provide me any bank system with all features...............

commented: Please address your question in a new thread. Also, please format your question in a manner which displays your effort done so far. -2
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