I want java code for image aligning.Actually I want to produce image, using several same images.Can anyone give me help??????

Can you explain your project a bit more?
Does this have to do with algorithms for merging the contents of images?

Do you mean like a puzzle?

Can you explain your project a bit more?
Does this have to do with algorithms for merging the contents of images?

Actually, My project is about HDR Imaging tool.So that i want to produce one image using several images which captured in same position(it may be same time).To that i want a code for image registering(Aligning).

Can you explain how java programming is involved with using this tool?

Can you explain how java programming is involved with using this tool?

I want java code(algorithm) for image aligning

Please define what aligning means? Does it involve more than one image?
Can you align a single image?
Given two images, how do you align them?

Please define what aligning means? Does it involve more than one image?
Can you align a single image?
Given two images, how do you align them?

we can capture several images in same place.After that using those images we can produce one image.(comparing those images we can produce one image)

If all the images are of the same thing, what would you show on the one image that is the output of the process?
What parts of each image would be included in the final image?

If all the images are of the same thing, what would you show on the one image that is the output of the process?
What parts of each image would be included in the final image?

Yes same thing,need to produce all image after the process

Is the output one image or ???

Please describe the whole process.
Given that you have many images of the same thing.
What do you do with them?
What is the final results? One image only or are all the images updated or what?

I am pretty sure he means like when they take a picture of the highway and then the cars headlights are like a line, but only with a couple of images.

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