hello I'm writing a program using winsock..whenever i try to send some data from the client i get the following error
"Run-time error '40006' Wrong protocol or connection state for the requesting transaction or request"
please help me in finding what's going wrong...my client code is given below

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
    Dim ip, port As String
    ip = ""
    port = "5500"
    sockClient.RemoteHost = ip
    sockClient.RemotePort = port
    Dim temp As String
    temp = "HELLO WORLD"
    sockClient.SendData temp
End Sub

If you put a watch on the sockClient control when you execute, you'll notice that the State property is 6 (Connecting). You have to throw in a DoEvents statement so the Connect event can occur. After that, you should be good to go.

Here's the code:

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
Dim ip, port As String
ip = ""
port = "5500"
Me.sockClient.RemoteHost = ip
Me.sockClient.RemotePort = port


Dim temp As String
temp = "HELLO WORLD"
Me.sockClient.SendData temp

End Sub

Hope this helps!

commented: agree +13

hey thank you for the reply..i'm able to get the program work now

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