i have a list of datarows. each row is having mutiple columns like userid,date,flag,etc.

i want to sort the based on date. how can i do that ?


listOfRows As New List(Of DataRow)()


For value As Integer = c To 
count - 1 

r = tableToRead.Rows(value)


i want to sort the listOfRows in ascending order of date which is a column in a row

If tabletoread is a datatable, then sort before getting the records

If tabletoread is a datatable, then sort before getting the records

yeah adam_k is right, for addition you can use SQL Order By
statement, for example:

this one sort your data by date in ascending order
SELECT * FROM [table_name] ORDER BY [Date]

this one sort your data by date in ascending order
SELECT * FROM [table_name] ORDER BY [Date] DESC

You can use Sort method of list.

     listOfRows.Sort(AddressOf Comp)
End Sub

'Sort on 1st column
Shared Function Comp(ByVal v1 As DataRow, ByVal v2 As DataRow) As Integer
        If v1(0) > v2(0) Then
            Return 1
            If v1(0) < v2(0) Then
                Return -1
                Return 0
            End If
        End If
End Function
commented: agree +13
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