Tell me what u think
I want to create an application that takes a stream of stock price data from many stocks. It then checks for resistance levels. If the stock has hit a level consistently and then bounced back down twice, it is saved to a jtable file or database or something. It is likely that the stock will rise to the resistnace point again and come down. Basically I want to create a list of stocks to buy by sifting through possibly thousands of stocks.

Possible to do. However this is not question. You should rephrase it...

I'm asking is it feasible. Also how do you get a live stream from a web site with data do you set up a socket connection

you have to buy the access to the real Market (MarkToMarket) Prices, Bloomber is best for Securities at all, Reuters, lots of Banks, CapitalMarkets sells these Market Data, Indicators, Assumptions, another solutions are with non-market prices,

only free and correct are closing/opening daily prices from Boerse or by some of Market Makers (majorities of them distribute these indications by default) for each working day separetelly (by default accesible as Xml or html file)

I'm asking is it feasible. Also how do you get a live stream from a web site with data do you set up a socket connection

Usually done as web service, where you either query free available services or sign contract with some data provider as mKorbel mentioned

Do you guys know of any free services? Also do I just set up a URL connection with that website through java?

@iparanjpe you give us so little info and expect us to perform miracles. I advise you research suggested options by mKorbel and have look how these groups serve their data

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