#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

int main()
	char name[20];
	string lastName;
	char grade;
	int age;

	cout<<"What is your first name ";
	cout<<"What is your last name ";
	getline(cin, lastName);
	cout<<"What letter grade do you deserve? ";
	cout<<"What is your age?";

	cout<<"Name: "<<lastName<<", "<<name<<endl;
	cout<<"Grade: "<<grade<<endl;
	cout<<"Age: "<<age<<endl;

	return 0;

HELP: If someone request a B than I'm supposed to print a C. If someone request a C I print D. F is the last letter. How can I do this?

Chars are really integers (see any ASCII table).

char grade = 'A';
std::cout<<grade;  //'B'

but this requires you to go up when you are going down in grades, and the skip between D and F would require some extra logic.
What would be even easier, though, is to make it a case statement

    case 'A': grade = 'B';
   //similar for case 'B'
   //similar for case 'C'
   //cases for 'D' and 'F' are different
   default: //what do we do if it's none of these letters

If someone request a B than I'm supposed to print a C. If someone request a C I print D.

What a cynical design. So you'll always assume that the student is lying to get a better grade, always deserves a lower grade, and an A will never be given? :icon_rolleyes:

commented: How is this pertinent to the question? ;) +14
commented: you didn't answer my question but I liked that you tried to help +3
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