now i know how to run the program of while loop.But i have a problem in getting while loop using three counter

Please post an example of what you are trying to do

something like this:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
int counterone = 0, countertwo = 3, counterthree = 54;

bool runloop = true;

while(runloop == true) {
std::cout << "Loop counter one " << counterone << "\n";
std::cout << "Loop counter two " << countertwo << "\n";
std::cout << "Loop counter three " << counterthree << "\n\n\n";

countertwo +=5;
counterthree += 3;

runloop = (counterone < 100) && (countertwo < 1000) && (counterthree < 150);


something like this:

How'd you come up with that (unformatted) idea?

He said 3 loop counters? That's my guess what OP wants. If this is not what he wanted, then OP should state his question more clearly.

please submit the code ...
In which you have problem.

commented: Didn't NathanOliver already say that? -4
commented: Do you really have to downvote just for that WalP?? +5
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