Am a final year student doing a project on a Library management system using rfid. My problem is, how am going to make the rfid system work with my vb6 program. i.e the codes required and probably the plugins i would need to have to make this possible.

Why RFID is required for Library management system ?

Will use it to prevent any book from being stolen i.e making a beeping sound anytime somebody sneaks a book out without it being signed as borrowed.

How RFID will work with a book ?

It has a tag which can be attached to the book. The reader would then be at the check point. So u can guess the rest.

do you have the device in place ?

No not yet. Just wanna prepare myself.

You need to use some of the components of the device to capture the device signal in your application. You need to get the device and install the same in your system first.

Ok. Would give u feedback as soon as everything is in place.

If i may ask, what type of rfid reader and tag would be appropriate for such a project as this Cos i google it and there are so many options i just get a little confused on the one to suit the project.

That you need to decide depending on your usage and most importantly budget.

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