Is netbean IDE good for the beginners?

If you are a complete beginner with Java then going straight to netbeans (or eclipse etc) is not a good idea. (1) A full IDE has its own steep learning curve to add on top of the Java learning curve, (2) A full IDE's tools will fix problems for you without you ever getting to understand what the problem was or why the fix worked.
Much better to start with a decent programmer's editor and command line compile/test until you have built up some Java expertise, then look at Netbeans or Eclipse.

I am almost beginner.But I have done a project on Java which was forced by the supervisor.Now I want learn Java code.Which software I ca use now.Please help.

IDE is almost better for profesionals, everything is there automatically, but there are everything most complex, most automatically, there is everything and IDE is for fastest programing as exists,

IDE don't learning you Java programing language, just writing code is easiest

that's your decision

I am almost beginner.But I have done a project on Java which was forced by the supervisor.Now I want learn Java code.Which software I ca use now.Please help.

Just download the JDK from Oracle, and whichever programmer's editor you like. Notepad++ is a decent choice under Windows.

You can use also JCreator software to learn java.

Just download the JDK and then use the command line to compile and run the code.
Download notepad++ and edit the program on there.

You learn a lot more as you debug after each compilation, you learn what you did wrong rather than having it checked over for you by a program.

basically you want to use a notepad editor and javac, java to compile and run.

If you have trouble with this i suggest maybe doing so tutorials online that walk through the install process.

net beans is good ... you must start with it.

commented: N/A. +0
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