im working on a program written on vb 6. i actually want to implement a gif to work on my program. by implementing, i mean how to make a gif file work on vb 6.


Not sure what you mean by "make a gif file work". Could you be a little more specific? Do you mean you want to display an existing GIF file on a form or in a control, do you want to be able to edit bitmaps and save them in GIF format, do you want to convert existing files into GIF, etc.

Not sure what you mean by "make a gif file work". Could you be a little more specific? Do you mean you want to display an existing GIF file on a form or in a control, do you want to be able to edit bitmaps and save them in GIF format, do you want to convert existing files into GIF, etc.

uhm. i want to simply display a working gif on the form.

You can use an Image Control or Picture Box to load and display a .GIF file (among others)

An Image Control allows stretching the .GIF to fit.

See the attached .zip for some ways to "play" with Images.

What "ViewIt" does is allows you to open a supported graphics file, transfer a part of it to an Image control to zoom in on it.

This was originally written to allow the creation of Phantom Test Driver code to allow exact co-ordinate positioning.

BTW when the app is first started it is likely that the other two forms will be hidden behind the top form...

To get viewit to work with GIF's comment out Get_BMP_Info(uFileName As String) in the Main Module.

And, add ;*.gif as shown below...

Private Sub picInput_dblClick()
FN.cmboExts = "*.bmp; *.gif"

on the main form

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