Hello everyone
I am new programmer ,and i decided learn python and i learned basics in python
and i have read book 'Think python' , and other books

But now i look to develop my level , and i ask you how can i do that?

thank you

You must program on your level raising it little by little. Can you give example of easy program you finished until working condition and hardest program you did until now? Have you not been able to finish any program? Have you done some programs suggested in sticky threads in begining of Python forum threads?

I don't understand what are you say, Can you explain


Post a program you've done so we can gauge your skill level.

One of my programs

class Abc:
    def num(self):
        if   (a<= 15):
            print 'small'
        elif (a>=16):
a = Abc()

While I don't quite understand the language in that program, I do understand what your program is doing. So it looks like you've just started using classes. How about creating a program utilizing a GUI, I suggest tkinter for its simplicity.

I will learn GUI > http://zetcode.com/tutorials/tkintertutorial/

But in fact i look to book or site or anything after i end this level "basics"

What i learn after that ? What i do after that ?

This is what I mean

First,learn how to implement the basics you're learning into something useful, while you are doing that you may find that you want to add more features, those features may require you to learn more advanced things. For example, recently I learned how to utilize SMTP to send E-mails from a program. As you do this you will learn more advanced skills and gain knowledge of third-party modules as well as built-in modules you haven't yet had to use.

One of my programs

My comments.

#please do not use old style classes in new programs
class Abc:
    # pass does not make sense in class definition if you have defined something
    # function not using instance variables (__slot__ or __init__ initialized)
    # what is the benefit of the class here
    def num(self):
        # so you are using Python2 (raw_input, print not function)
        # a does not mean anything to me, add prompt does not make clear that we should input integer value
        if   (a<= 15):
            print 'small'
        # why not else as this is all other numbers?
        elif (a>=16):
a = Abc()


Do you mean, i just learn the basics and work with it, after that will learn through practice, and will bring progress
and i will be real programmer

Something like that, just work on perfecting what you know now.

you mean through practice ?

Yes, through practice, make yourself a challenging project.

Thank you very much for help

No problem. Please mark this thread as solved and upvote posts if and as you see fit.

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