"You can send an ImageIcon object as the Image argument that drawImage() expects." T/F

"To start playing the AudioClip, you need to call the start() method on it." T/F // On the obj mean here?

Give us your answers and reasons for the answer.

Give us your answers and reasons for the answer.

ImageIcon OBJ IS SWING but function drawImage() awaits awt.Image, so must be ERROR...PLEASE CONFIRM...T/F

SECOND if mean obj of AudioClip, I think is true....is this that, really means? T/F

Have you read the API doc for the ImageIcon class?
What class is the drawImage() method in?

What is the "ERROR"?

1. "send an ImageIcon object as the Image argument that drawImage() expects" this will be true if and only if an ImageIcon is also an Image, ie it extends the Image class - which you can find out in less than 30 seconds by looking at the ImageIcon API doc.

2. "start playing the AudioClip, you need to call the start() method " (yes this means "AudioClip object"). Once again, less than 30 seconds with the API doc for AudioClip will give you the answer.

so first False second True

My (version 7) javadoc for AudioClip has three methods in it. How many has yours? What are their names?

void loop()
Starts playing this audio clip in a loop.
void play()
Starts playing this audio clip.
void stop()
Stops playing this audio clip.

So both false correct?

It's your homework, so that's your call. But you've done the necessary research, so there's no reason to doubt your answers ;-)

not stop -> loop -> play

I hope that help you

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