...Hello! Can Some One Please Help Me...
I need help for my programming project...really need ASAP.,.tnx.,.

A. Control Structures (15 pts each)

2. Create a program that accepts a whole number which will dictate the layers of your Pascal’s triangle and displays the corresponding Pascal’s triangle. For example the user entered 5, the result should be:
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1

B. Linear Array (30pts)
Create a program that will accept 20 numbers and arrange them in ascending order. The program should determine the distinct numbers and the number of occurrences for each number (or the frequency). The program should also determine the mean, median and the mode of the inputs. Display the supplied values, the distinct numbers, the frequency of each distinct numbers, mean, median and mode.

Your program should use three arrays that will hold the entered numbers, distinct numbers, and the frequency, respectively.

Use the following numbers in your first run:
1 37 25 1 56 8 6 9 11 8 54 56 20 25 1 8 6 20 56 56

Enter 20 numbers:

Your entered numbers are:
20 37 25 1 56 8 6 9 11 23 54 56 20 25 1 8 56 20 56 56

Your sorted numbers are:
1 1 1 6 6 8 8 8 9 11 20 20 25 25 37 54 56 56 56 56

Distinct Number Frequency
1 3
37 1
25 2
56 4
8 3
6 2
9 1
11 1
54 1
20 2
Mean: 23.2
Median: 15.5
Mode: 56

C. Two-dimensional array (30 pts)
Create a program that displays that accepts a month number and a year. The program should display the monthly calendar for a particular year which contain the Month, days, and the year. Take note also the leap years.


Enter a month number:
Enter a year:

Your monthly calendar is:

February 2008
Su Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29

And could I see your code please???

No! What I Mean I Need A Source Code For That!

Can you make your own source code then you post it here!! We will just check if your source code is correct or not!!!

DaniWeb Member Rules:
"Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from school or work assignments"

There are lots of people here who will freely give their time to help you become the best Java programmer you can be. There's nobody here who is interested in coding your homework for you.

like!!! Everyone would see that worthless homework because it's too much advanced than the curriculum.

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