Please guys will you recommend any books or tutorials for C#?
Thank you

If your an experienced programmer(Java/C++) then C# 4.0 in a Nutshell by Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari is a good read.

Plenty of them.
The one gerard just mentioned is one of the greatest, which Iam currently reding.
There are other too:
- Illustrated C# 2008 (great for beginners) (or even 2010 version)
- C# in Depth 2008 (and 2nd Edition)
- C# 2008 (and 2010) Step by Step
- C# 3.0 (and 4.0) Unleashed


These are one of my favorites, and are teaching basics of OOP, ...
for further learning then depends what do you want to learn more into details (web app, win app, networing, graphics, ...)
Check has (almost) all.
Hope it helps.

To mention:
maybe you will find if interesting like I did, I just bought a Kindle (eBook) produced by (not sure exactly, but they are selling it at their brand name), which can hold all the books mentioned in *.pdf (or *.doc) format. You can still get them from

head first C#

the best one for me

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