how to export perl script results to HTML files?

Are we talking inserting the results of a perl script into an html document or having a perl script write an html document to the screen?

inserting the results of a perl script into an html document then convert it to pdf file

Assuming you have Server-Side Includes enabled:
This would go in the place in your html document where you want the results of the script to be shown.

<!--#include virtual='path_to_cgi-bin/your_include_file.pl' -->

i want each result perl script insert into html file ,i used pl files and display it using tmpl file

Well, the include works when serving the html and perl file from an http server (assuming you have includes enabled). Anything else, I can't help unless you want it in Perl/Tk. For the include, just change the name of the file to to path of the file you want to include in the html document.

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