Please Help me I can't start with this project !

Implement a city 'database' using unordered lists. Each record contains the name of the city (a character string of variable length), the mayor of the city and the co:ordinates of the city as integer x and y, Your system should allow city records to be inserted, deleted or searched by name or co:ordinates; it should also allow to change the name of the mayor . Implement this database using a linked list implementation java.

What does it mean ?
from any place I can start ?

Thank you ;

Did you search on Google on Linked List? Look at the class, at the functions, and what you need to make yourself. Linked List is a great Java class, use it, like the assignment says!

@friendskhaled so one warning for posting school assignment is not enough for you to start thinking about what you are supposed to do???? You come back and repost it again!

Please Help me I can't start with this project !

Implement a city 'database' using unordered lists. Each record contains the name of the city (a character string of variable length), the mayor of the city and the co:ordinates of the city as integer x and y, Your system should allow city records to be inserted, deleted or searched by name or co:ordinates; it should also allow to change the name of the mayor . Implement this database using a linked list implementation java.

What does it mean ?

Exactly what it says?

from any place I can start ?

Thank you ;

With a text editor?

Edit: BTW this is a purposefully @ssholish post. Pay attention to what peter posted in his post.

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