hello everybody,

Plz Help me.............

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Threading;

namespace UdayChat
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for MyClass.
/// </summary>
public class MyClass
public MyClass()
public struct x25Data
public string Xd_Data;
public int Xd_Len;
public struct x25doneinfo
public int xi_len;
public string xi_buf;
public int xi_cid;
public int xi_cmd;
public int xi_info;
public int xi_retcode;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AsAny)] object xi_ref;
//public x25doneinfo doneinfo = new x25doneinfo();
public delegate void PostDelgate(ref x25doneinfo doneInfo );
//public const X25NULLFN (void (intPtr)) ;

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] PostDelgate post;
const int DATA_SIZE =128;

public static x25Data sUdata = new x25Data() ;
public static x25Data sFacil = new x25Data() ;// size of data buffer */
public static extern string x25version(char []ss);
public static extern int x25init(int message,uint uMsg);
public static extern int x25error();
public static extern string x25alloc(int DATA_SIZE);
public static extern int x25exit();
public static extern int x25xcall(
int Cid,
int X25NOWAIT,
int iPort,
int iInfo,
x25Data sFacil ,
x25Data sUsage ,
string Remote,
string Local,
IntPtr xx);
public static extern int x25recv(
int Cid,
string cpRecvBuf,
int iInfo,
PostDelgate post);
public static extern int x25send(
int Cid,
string cpRecvBuf,
int iInfo,
PostDelgate post);
public string Local ;
public int Cid=0,X25NOWAIT=0,iPort=0,iInfo=0,intFlag=0;
public string Remote,StrError;
public static string cpRecvBuf;
public static char [] argv = new char[50];
public Thread Thread1,Thread2;

public string DispVersion()
char [] ss = new char [150] ;
string str;
str = x25version( ss);
return str;
public string ExecuteCall(int port,string Data)
int intFlag=0,intPort=0;
string strcpSendBuf="",strRecvBuff="";

intFlag = x25init(0,0);
/////////// Allocate Buffer.
strcpSendBuf = x25alloc(DATA_SIZE);
if(strcpSendBuf ==null)
strRecvBuff = x25alloc(DATA_SIZE);
if(strRecvBuff ==null)
Form1 fm = new Form1 ();
intPort = port;
sUdata. Xd_Data = Data;
sUdata.Xd_Len = Data.Length;
sFacil.Xd_Data = "1 128";
sFacil.Xd_Len = Data.Length ;
Local = "";
Remote = "4460700";

//////// if(argv[3].ToString().CompareTo("/c")==0)
//////// {
//////// Console.WriteLine ("MODE:\tCALLER\n");
StrError = do_call();
////// }
////// else
////// {
//////////// Console.WriteLine ("MODE:\tListen\n");
////// }
return StrError ;

public String do_call()
StrError = "Calling...";
//////// if(x25xcall( Cid, X25NOWAIT, iPort, iInfo, sFacil , sUdata , Remote, Local, post) < 0)
//////// {
//////// StrError= abort_prog("x25xcall");
//////// return StrError;
//////// }
sFacil.Xd_Data = "1 128";
sFacil.Xd_Len =5;
sUdata.Xd_Data ="uday";
sUdata.Xd_Len = 4;
int intCall =0;
intCall =x25xcall( 2, 0, 2, 0, sFacil , sUdata , "4460700", ".\\uday", IntPtr.Zero ) ;
if( intCall< 0)
StrError= abort_prog("x25xcall");
return StrError;
return StrError ;

void do_common()
Thread1 = new Thread( new ThreadStart(recvThread));
Thread2 = new Thread( new ThreadStart(recvThread));

public void recvThread()
Boolean BoolFlag = true;
while(BoolFlag )

if(x25recv(Cid,cpRecvBuf,DATA_SIZE,iInfo,post) < 0)
BoolFlag = false;
public void sendThread()
Boolean BoolFlag = true;
while(BoolFlag )

if(x25send(Cid,cpRecvBuf,DATA_SIZE,iInfo,post) < 0)
BoolFlag = false;

/////////////////// Error Functions
public string abort_prog_no_x25exit(string CpStr)
int intErrorNo=0;
intErrorNo = x25error();
return StrError + intErrorNo.ToString ();
public string abort_prog(string cpStr)
StrError = StrError + cpStr;
StrError = StrError + "ERROR: " + x25error();
StrError = StrError + setPrgEnd("\n");
return StrError;
public string setPrgEnd(string cpStr)

StrError = StrError + cpStr;
StrError = abort_prog_x25exit("\nCan't set End Event, Fatal Error\n");
return StrError;
string abort_prog_x25exit(string cpStr)
StrError = StrError + cpStr;
StrError= StrError + "ERROR:" + x25error();
if(x25exit() < 0)
StrError = abort_prog_no_x25exit("x25exit");
return StrError ;
////////////////// Error End Functions................

Thanks in Advance

um, what is your question?

um, what is your question?

we created the DLL in C#, we dont know what parameterd we have to pass which structures has to pass

can u help me...

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