Hello all, im doing this problem which will allow a store to return a invoice, I have two classes and I guess I am at the very end and need help fixing some things so I can finally have the program execute:

Class1: "Invoice":

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace InvoiceApp
    class Invoice
        private string invNumber;
        private string invDescription;
        private int invPrice;
        private int invPurchased;
        private double invTotalCost;

        public Invoice()

        public Invoice(string number)
            invNumber = number;

        public Invoice(string number, string description)
            invNumber = number;
            invDescription = description;

        public Invoice(string number, string description, 
                        int price, int purchased)
            invNumber = number;
            invDescription = description;
            invPrice = price;
            invPurchased = purchased;

        public string InvNumber
                return invNumber;
                invNumber = value;

        public string InvDescription
                return invDescription;
                invDescription = value;

        public int InvPrice
                return invPrice;
                invPrice = value;

        public int InvPurchased
                return invPurchased;
                invPurchased = value;

        public double InvTotalCost
                return invPurchased * invPrice;
                invTotalCost = value;

        public override string ToString()
            return "Item Description: " + invDescription.ToString(); +
                   "\nTotal Cost: " + invTotalCost.ToString("C");

    } //class ends 
} //namespace ends

Class2: "InvoiceApp" :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace InvoiceApp
    class InvoiceApp
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Invoice someQuantity = new 
            someQuantity.InvPurchased = someQuantity.InvPurchased * ;

        } //Main Ends 
    } //class ends 
} //namespace ends

Line 104-109 Im trying to get to the point where I return what the Item Description and total cost in "Class1, Invoice"

Lines 12-22 in Class2: "InvoiceApp" Im trying to use constructors and objects to help me print to the output screen

Thank you very much again all of you!


Do it this way:

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Invoice someQuantity = new Invoice("1", "some description", 100, 120);

    class Invoice
        public Invoice()


        public Invoice(string number)
            this.InvNumber = number;

        public Invoice(string number, string description)
            this.InvNumber = number;
            this.InvDescription = description;

        public Invoice(string number, string description,
                        int price, int purchased)
            this.InvNumber = number;
            this.InvDescription = description;
            this.InvPrice = price;
            this.InvPurchased = purchased;

        public string InvNumber { get; set; }
        public string InvDescription{ get; set; }       
        public int InvPrice{ get; set; }       
        public int InvPurchased{ get; set; }
        public double InvTotalCost
            get { return InvPurchased * InvPrice; }

        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format("Item Description: {0}\nTotal Cost: {1} ", InvDescription, InvTotalCost.ToString("C"));
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