Anyone know what function will copy contents from one folder to another, I know the source folder and the destination aso I dont have to use the mkdir. Any Ideas?

Depends on operating system. If you are using MS-Windows, you can use win32 api function CopyFile() -- see MSDN for details. To my limited knowledge of *nix, I don't think *nix compilers have a similary function. You might also check the Boost libraries to see if it has a portable function. If not, then write your own or use systenm() function to use the system's cp or copy function.

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Depends on operating system. If you are using MS-Windows, you can use win32 api function CopyFile() -- see MSDN for details. To my limited knowledge of *nix, I don't think *nix compilers have a similary function. You might also check the Boost libraries to see if it has a portable function. If not, then write your own or use systenm() function to use the system's cp or copy function.

Shudn't B a problem if they're no sub directories in the folder. If there are recursion is ur friend.

U cud just use fstream and copy each file using binary to the other folder. :surprised

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