I am having trouble implementing a type def in a header file and using the same typedef in a source file (.c). Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I can't get a sum function to work, for when i want to sum the numbers pressed on a keypad( i would like to use numerics as my typedef). the numerics only returns a float number.

my code

float sum (void)
sum = sum + numerics;
lcd_print_float (sum);

any help is greatly appreciated thanks!

Use [CODE] tags.

float sum (void)
        sum = sum + numerics;
        lcd_print_float (sum);

Probably not what you wanted, eh? Maybe you meant something like this:

float sum (void)
        sum = sum + numerics;
        lcd_print_float (sum);
        sum = numerics-1;

    return something;

I think there are several things wrong with that code . . . .

Also, I can't get a sum function to work, for when i want to sum the numbers pressed on a keypad

What input function are you using? Regular cin/scanf would require some extra work to do that.

What is the typedef supposed to do?

You need to provide more information.

I figured it out. The code was for a vending machine, and the sum hepled add the amount deposited. Thanks for your help.

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