I want to develop report engine in C++. Frankly I don't know any thing now about reporting engine. I know some of C++ features only (up to File handling). Can anyone guide me to develop report engine in C++?

My display engine will ask my report engine to send some records from the file. The report engine will have to process the query which is asked by display engine and send the resulting records to display engine. My backend is just flat files, not a relational database. Is there any tutorial to develop these type of reporting engine?

Are you going to keep it flat-file based?
How many users?
Why c++?

What have you written so far?

Are you going to keep it flat-file based?
How many users?
Why c++?

What have you written so far?

Binary files or text files only.

There will be lot of client files. we will download the daily transaction of the clients from internet and will update the transaction in the every file. If we want to generate transaction summary report for client(s) , the display engine (web site) will have to talk with report engine. and the report engine will process the query and will send the required record to the display engine.

" why c++ " ? What you are proposing me to do this ?

reading records from file, appending records to file, inserting record(s) into the middle of the file, sorting of the file and so on..

I was attempting to figure out your most familiar computer language.
If it is C++, stick with C++.

What will you use for indexing.
Seemingly, a database will come in to play at some point.
I understand the reports may be delivered as files, but if the data is similar across reports, you might want to consider databasing the reports and generating them dynamically.

Otherwise, it sounds as if you have a solid design in mind.
Are you working on all engines?
If so, the user interface will take some concentration; whether you are doing this as a CGI or ASP.NET or other...

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