
I am getting the following error from line 108. I'm trying to find information on the error. The elapsed_time function returns a double, so I'm not sure where there is a problem.

error C3867: 'Timer::elapsed_time': function call missing argument list; use '&Timer::elapsed_time' to create a pointer to member

#include "utility.h"

#define s 10			// Number of Columns
#define r 10000			// Number of rows

/*******************TIMER CLASS*******************/
class Timer
//Timer class taken from from Kruse and Ryba,
//Data Structures and Program Design in C++,
//Prentice-Hall, 1999

	//constructor - turns on the timer

	double elapsed_time();
	//compute elapsed time between start and stop

	void reset();
	//restarts the timer

	clock_t start_time;
	//type of value returned by system function clock()
/*****************END TIMER CLASS DEFINITION********/

/**************Implementation Timer class functions************/
//constructor - turns on the timer
	start_time = clock();

double Timer::elapsed_time()
//compute elapsed time between start and stop
	clock_t end_time = clock();
	return ((double) (end_time - start_time))/((double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

void Timer::reset()
//restarts the timer
	start_time = clock();

void insertion_sort(short array1[s][r], int size);
void write_file(short array1[s][r], int size);
void transpose(short array1[s][r]);
void reverse_transpose(short array1[s][r]);
void shift(short array1[s][r], short shifted_array1[s + 1][r]);
void reverse_shift(short array1[s][r], short shifted_array1[s + 1][r]);

int main()
	const short column = 10;
	const short row = 10000;
	const string fileName = "Lab9.txt";
	int matrix_size = column*row;

	//vector< vector<short> > matrix;
	short (*matrix) [row]= new short [column][row];

	// Open the data file
    ifstream fin(fileName.c_str());
    if (!fin.is_open()) 
        cout << endl << "Unable to open input file " << fileName << endl;
        return 1;
    }// End if (!fin.is_open())

	// Fill up matrix
	//int temp = 0;  //was being used for vector
	for(int t = 0; t < column ; t++)
		for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
				fin >> matrix[t][i];
		}// End for(int i = 0; i < r; i++)
	}// End for(int t = 0; t < s ; t++)

	Timer time;
	insertion_sort(matrix, matrix_size);				// Step 1   
	transpose(matrix); // Works							// Step 2
	insertion_sort(matrix, matrix_size);				// Step 3	
	reverse_transpose(matrix);							// Step 4
	insertion_sort(matrix, matrix_size);				// Step 5	

	// New array with column + 1
	short (*matrix_shifted) [row]= new short [column + 1][row]; 
	shift(matrix, matrix_shifted);						// Step 6
	insertion_sort(matrix, matrix_size);				// Step 7
	reverse_shift(matrix, matrix_shifted);				// Step 8

	double t = time.elapsed_time;

	write_file(matrix, matrix_size);


void insertion_sort(short array1[s][r], int size)
Post: The entries of the Sortable_list have been rearranged so that
      the keys in all the  entries are sorted into nondecreasing order.
	int first_unsorted;    //  position of first unsorted entry
	int position;          //  searches sorted part of list
	short current;    //  holds the entry temporarily removed from list
	int count = size;

	for (int column = 0; column < s; column++)
		for(first_unsorted = 1; first_unsorted < r; first_unsorted++)
			if (array1[column][first_unsorted] < array1[column][first_unsorted - 1]) 
				position = first_unsorted;
				current = array1[column][first_unsorted];         //  Pull unsorted entry out of the list.
				{                    //  Shift all entries until the proper position is found.
					array1[column][position] = array1[column][position - 1];
					position--;                           //  position is empty.
				} while (position > 0 && array1[column][position - 1] > current);
				array1[column][position] = current;

// Sort values in each column using sorting method of choice

// "Transpose" the matrix by reading s values at a time in 
// column-major order and putting them back into the matrix in row-major order.

void transpose(short array1[s][r])
	int temp  = 0;
	short transpose_array[s][r];	

	for(int column = 0; column < s; column++)
		for(int x = 0; x < r; x++) 
			transpose_array[x%10][temp/10] = array1[column][x];

	for(int column = 0; column < s; column++)
		for(int x = 0; x < r; x++) 
			array1[column][x] = transpose_array[column][x];

void reverse_transpose(short array1[s][r])
	int temp  = 0;
	short temp_array[s][r];
	for(int column = 0; column < s; column++)
		for(int x = 0; x < r; x++)
			temp_array[column][x] = array1[x%10][temp/10];

	for(int column = 0; column < s; column++)
		for(int x = 0; x < r; x++) 
			array1[column][x] = temp_array[column][x];

// sort_columns()

// Rvs step "Transpose"

// sort_columns()


void write_file(short array1[s][r], int size)
	string file_name = "Results.txt";
    ofstream out_file;
	for(int column = 0; column < s; column++)				//s+1 when writing shifted array
		for(int row = 0; row < r; row++)
			out_file << array1[column][row] << endl;
		}//end of for i < size


void shift(short array1[s][r], short shifted_array1[s + 1][r])
	queue<short> tempQueue;
	for(int column = 0; column < s+1; column++)		
		for(int row = 0; row < r; row++)

	for(int column = 0; column < (s + 1); column++)			// 1 should be 's'
		for(int row = 0; row < r; row++)				// 3000 should be 'r'
			if(column == 0 && row < r/2)
				shifted_array1[column][row] = -32767;
			else if(column == s && row >= r/2)
				shifted_array1[column][row] = 32767;				
				shifted_array1[column][row] = tempQueue.front();

void reverse_shift(short array1[s][r], short shifted_array1[s + 1][r])
	queue<short> tempQueue;

	for(int column = 0; column < (s + 1); column++)
		for(int row = 0; row < r; row++)
			if(column == 0 && row <r/2) 
			else if(column == (s + 1) && row >= r/2)

	for(int column = 0; column < s; column++)		
		for(int row = 0; row < r; row++)				
			array1[column][row] = tempQueue.front();

The error that you are having problems with is the fact that Timer::elaspsed_time is a function so you need to write double t = time.elapsed_time(); The reality is you really really need to re-write this. You are using #define's with sign letter values. (a) this is C++ so use a const. (b) s and r, you are going to type that somewhere else and get into a complete mess.

Use const int colSize(10); or some such thing.

Next you use 10 and % 10 in various places in the code hence forgetting that you parameterized it.

Then we have lines like:

short (*matrix_shifted) [row]= new short [column + 1][row];

It doesn't do what you want and it doesn't get deleted so is a memory leak.

If you want to handle your own memory for a matrix, then there are two basic patterns for memory allocation:

int  **M = new int[cols];
*M=new int[rows*cols];
for(int i=0;i<cols;i++)
// or....
int **M=new int[cols]
for(int i=0;i<cols;i++)
   M[i]=new int[rows];

(There are others but you see them a lot less often).

Finally, you use the std::queue, well if you are going to use the STL please look at boost::multi_array and std::vector, both of which can be used in this manor.

Then we have lines like:

short (*matrix_shifted) [row]= new short [column + 1][row];

It doesn't do what you want and it doesn't get deleted so is a memory leak.

Thanks for the input. Why doesn't the line above do what I want?

The error that you are having problems with is the fact that Timer::elaspsed_time is a function so you need to write double t = time.elapsed_time(); The reality is you really really need to re-write this. You are using #define's with sign letter values. (a) this is C++ so use a const. (b) s and r, you are going to type that somewhere else and get into a complete mess.

Use const int colSize(10); or some such thing.

Next you use 10 and % 10 in various places in the code hence forgetting that you parameterized it.

Then we have lines like:

short (*matrix_shifted) [row]= new short [column + 1][row];

It doesn't do what you want and it doesn't get deleted so is a memory leak.

If you want to handle your own memory for a matrix, then there are two basic patterns for memory allocation:

int  **M = new int[cols];
*M=new int[rows*cols];
for(int i=0;i<cols;i++)
// or....
int **M=new int[cols]
for(int i=0;i<cols;i++)
   M[i]=new int[rows];

(There are others but you see them a lot less often).

Finally, you use the std::queue, well if you are going to use the STL please look at boost::multi_array and std::vector, both of which can be used in this manor.

If I don't use "#define" for global variables, how do I pass the array to a function? I tried passing by reference. I read that arrays cannot be passed to a function. Is this true?

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