hey everyone on Daniweb, I'm liuhh00 in need of some dire suggestions for my program.
I can't seem to solve why my program is not working right after i select my choice for case.

The program is suppose to accept any 20 random integers, store them and allow the user to tranverse as many as they would like to.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  int i= 1;
  int number, integer,choice;
  int ArrayN[20];

      printf("Enter 20 Integers\n");
      scanf("%d", &number);

   printf("Type 0 to Exit or 1 to Continue then press Enter\n");

      case 0:

      case 1:
      printf("What Number would you like to search for?\n");
      scanf("%d", &integer);

            printf("\nYou Have Guessed Right");
            printf("\nYou have found your number at location %d",i);
            printf("\n Try Again?");

     printf("\nFollow Instructions...");
 return 0;

open to any critique as well. I am just looking towards improving the program's efficiency.
I am currently working to make the program run as long as user wants until they are ready to exit as well.

I use Codeblocks as my compiler.


hey everyone on Daniweb, I'm liuhh00 in need of some dire suggestions for my program.
I can't seem to solve why my program is not working right after i select my choice for case.

The program is suppose to accept any 20 random integers, store them and allow the user to tranverse as many as they would like to.


open to any critique as well. I am just looking towards improving the program's efficiency.
I am currently working to make the program run as long as user wants until they are ready to exit as well.

I use Codeblocks as my compiler.


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I adjusted the Indentation of the format of the program so it is more readable.

The Coding below accepts 20 random integers ,stores them into arrays location 0 to 19 and allows the user to search for the integers as many times as they would like until they are ready to exit.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int i= 1;
    int number, integer,choice;
    int ArrayN[20];

      printf("Enter 20 Integers\n");
      scanf("%d", &number);

       printf("Type 0 to Exit or 1 to Continue then press Enter\n");

        case 0:

        case 1:
          printf("What Number would you like to search for?\n");
          scanf("%d", &integer);

            printf("\nYou Have Guessed Right");
            printf("\nYou have found your number at location %d",i);
            printf("\n Try Again?");

        printf("\nFollow Instructions...");

 return 0;

After the user types 1 or 0 to continue to the next section of the coding, a window opens stating that there is a problem occurring with the program. Ideally, i am unsure whether or not my compiler is the problem or not but i doubt it, because it is likely my novice skills in c programming.

The case choices does not run after the input of the integers 0 or 1.

printf("Type 0 to Exit or 1 to Continue then press Enter\n");

        case 0:

        case 1:
          printf("What Number would you like to search for?\n");
          scanf("%d", &integer);

            printf("\nYou Have Guessed Right");
            printf("\nYou have found your number at location %d",i);
            printf("\n Try Again?");

        printf("\nFollow Instructions...");

 return 0;

The case choices does not run after the input of the integers 0 or 1.

You're missing '&'before 'choice' in your 'scanf' statement .


and another(important!) thing,look at this

int number, integer,choice;
int ArrayN[20];
printf("Enter 20 Integers\n");
scanf("%d", &number);
printf("ArrayN[%d]=%d\n",i,number);//well, that's stupid!

You have to assign values to the array

scanf("%d",&Array[i]);//like this
// ..or like this

Good Luck! with the rest of the code for searching and all that.

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