I try to bind a textbox to a datatable but i cant.. I checked if the datatable is filled (it includes the results of a sql query)and it s ok.. i can depict the result in a combo box but not in textbox. I wait for only one result that s why i need textbox instead of combo.. that s my code.. i m desperate ..

Dim StateTable As New DataTable
       ' Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand("select DISTINCT State_LCL from T_MUNICIPALITY,T_MUNICIPALITY_STREETS where  T_MUNICIPALITY.Municipality_LCL=T_MUNICIPALITY_STREETS.Municipality_LCL and T_MUNICIPALITY_STREETS.Municipality_LCL='" & txtMunicipality.Text & "'", conn)
 Dim StateDA As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd)

         txtState.Text = DSmunicipality.Tables(0).Rows(0)("State_LCL").ToString()

The error says "There is no row at position 0."

If you are expecting only 1 value and you are not really binding -let's face it you are just trying to assign a value - why are you using a datatable?

Wouldn't it be easier to use an ExecuteScalar and get the value you are looking to assign to the textbox?

I'll try it and I'll be back!

Yeah!!! It works!! This is what I did! Thank you so much!!!! :)

Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand("select DISTINCT State_LCL from T_MUNICIPALITY,T_MUNICIPALITY_STREETS where  T_MUNICIPALITY.Municipality_LCL=T_MUNICIPALITY_STREETS.Municipality_LCL and T_MUNICIPALITY_STREETS.Municipality_LCL='" & txtMunicipality.Text & "'", conn)

        Dim result As String
            result = sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar()

            If result IsNot Nothing Then
                txtState.Text = result.ToString()
             End If
        Catch ex As SqlException
        End Try

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