Basically in my switch case, I'm trying to get it so if a String is typed in I want to return a message saying "Please enter an integer". I've tried using the try { } catch { } to do this but what happens is that in some of my switch-cases, I take in String inputs and after these String inputs have been taken in and a message printed out. It prints "Please enter an integer".

How can I fix this?

In general, using exceptions isn't an appropriate approach to this kind of situation. Please post your code; it will help us help you.

Ok, here's basically how my switch case works...

while (true) {
         System.out.println("Enter a number");
         int i = scan.nextInt();
         switch (i) {
            case 1: 
               String employee =;
            case 2: 
               String job =;

Ok, here's basically how my switch case works...

while (true) {
         System.out.println("Enter a number");
         int i = scan.nextInt();
         switch (i) {
            case 1: 
               String employee =;
            case 2: 
               String job =;

I was going to suggest that you read a string instead, then test it to see if it's an integer and take appropriate action based on that test, but I forgot that the Java library handles that by throwing exceptions itself... :/

The exception way:

System.out.println("Enter a number");
    int i = scan.nextInt();
    switch (i) {
        case 1: 
            String employee =;
        case 2: 
            String job =;
catch(InputMismatchException) {
    System.out.println("Please enter an integer");

Using Integer.parseInt would look very much the same.

I prefer to only use exceptions for truly unexpected input, and I wouldn't classify non-integer input here as 'exceptional'--users enter all sorts of weirdness.

If you'd like to try it without exceptions, you can read a string and use a regular expression to see if every character in the string is a digit, and optionally detect a +/- sign at the front. I'm not sure that this is necessarily better, though, in terms of readability.

I forgot to mention that I have all of this in a while loop saying
while (true) {


So when I put your solution in and a non integer is typed in, it keeps printing the same thing over and over again since its looping over again and again

while(true) will always be true, so it will never leave the loop, unless you add a break statement, or change expression you are testing on

I forgot to mention that I have all of this in a while loop saying
while (true) {


So when I put your solution in and a non integer is typed in, it keeps printing the same thing over and over again since its looping over again and again

Why do you need the while(true) ? Is it just there to re-ask if they don't enter an integer, or is there some other reason you need that loop?

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