i used turb0 c++ in windows 7 but i does not display a full screen mode.are there any tools that run c and c++ in windows 7???

are there any tools that run c and c++ in windows 7???

Just about everything except Turbo C++. You made a beeline for the worst possible compiler, congratulations. :icon_rolleyes: Try Code::Blocks or Visual C++ 2010 Express for two modern compilers that run well on Windows 7.

i used code blocks and eclipse europa but i dont know how to run the programs in any of these tools .i dont know the actual procedure please help me .please tell the procedures to run program in eclipse or codeblocks

i dont know the actual procedure please help me .please tell the procedures to run program in eclipse or codeblocks

RTFM. Seriously, there's a point where people will stop helping you because they don't want to regurgitate the documentation that you should have read in the first place.

YOU are telling as though iam not trying any thing in code blocks i get a error like this "uses an invalid compiler. Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?! Skipping...
Nothing to be done"i dont know what to do???

YOU are telling as though iam not trying any thing

You're were acting as if you weren't trying anything.

i dont know what to do???

Check the tool chain path within the compiler options and make sure it's set up correctly? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you installed codeblocks-setup.exe rather than codeblocks-mingw-setup.exe. The former only installs the IDE while the latter also installs MinGW for the compiler and tools used by the IDE's default settings.

Hey you can use turbo c in windows 7 by changing its compatibility..

I changed the following settings to make the window larger :

Size = 28
Font = Consolas
Screen Buffer Size :
Width = 80
Height = 75

Window Size :
Width = 80
Height = 75

commented: Or just don't use Turbo C -4

Assuming that like me you are a beginner,

I would suggest Relo, since it is very simple.

Actually, you cannot run Turbo C or any DOS programs in Windows 7 and above as DOS is dead an not included in any current version of Windows. If you really want to use Turbo C with Windows 7, then you should download a DOS Emulator such as DosBox or better yet, use the a good frontend to DoxBox like D-Fend which included DosBox http://dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net/

Hey you can use turbo c in windows 7 by changing its compatibility..

I changed the following settings to make the window larger :

Size = 28
Font = Consolas
Screen Buffer Size :
Width = 80
Height = 75

Window Size :
Width = 80
Height = 75

I'm a LONG time lover of Turbo C, but c'mon - it's days are over. Time to move on.

Coaching newbies on how to run their car or bike, on flat tires is not good! ;)

Pelles C is so easy and good for Windows C (32 or 64 bit), and no C++ junk in there.

Exactly who keeps telling people to keep using Turbo C? Is there some antiquated book from the 1980's floating around and encouraging this? I'm assuming it's the same people telling everybody to use void main() .

A lot of schools use Turbo C because it is free, has a great help system, was easy to set up, and ran well in Windows, up through XP. It allowed the teacher and student, to focus on the C language, and not on the complexities of the IDE.

Turbo C does not promote void main() and never has, but after giving a warning when it's compiling, it will allow it, in accordance with the AT&T C standard that was in place, before the C language standard was created.

However, Windows 7 has no native support for 16 bit code, which is what Turbo C is. When you get to Windows 7, it is time to upgrade - for Windows only (and C only), a fine choice is Pelles C - it's free, has compatibility settings for old C names if you want it, and is C99 compliant, so it's right up to the very latest standard. All wrapped up with an easy to use Windows IDE (in both x32 and x64 bit capability).

Pelles even has it's own forum for answers to the most difficult questions regarding Pelles C.

With any Windows based IDE, you will have some added complexity. There's no way around that. The advantages however, of a modern C99 compiler, with full support for all the new headers, in both 32 and 64 bit versions, are compelling. Also, it has some extra nice features like showing you the matching braces, line numbers, and etc.

There is nothing complicated about modern IDE's. If you install Code::Blocks correctly, all you have to do is create a project, punch in some code, and hit "Build and Run". I can't imagine anything more simple.

You do need to install the version of Code::Blocks with MinGW bundled, however. It sounds like the OP may have tried using the installer for the IDE alone.

I do have to agree with Adak about Pelles C - it is about as simple as compilers get.

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