import java.util.*;

// the main class BinaryToDecimalCalculator
public class BinaryToDecimalCalculator

    public static void main(String[] args)
       Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);//scanner object for input

		//declaration of input variables
       int binary,  exponent=0;
       float decimal, total=0  , currentNumber ;
       boolean error =false;//check for input errors

       //the user inputs a binary integer
       System.out.print("Enter binary number: ");
       binary = input.nextInt();

       //processing formular
           //fetches binary digits
           decimal = (float)(binary)/((float)10);
           binary = binary / 10;
           currentNumber = (int)(10 * (decimal - binary));

           //prompts the user input when it is not a binary integer
           /*if(currentNumber >1 || )
               System.out.println("The number you typed is not a binary value, re-run the program");
               error = true;
			   //computes the decimal value
               total += (currentNumber * (Math.pow(2, exponent)));
       }while(decimal !=0);//checks whether extraction is finished

       System.out.println("The decimal equivalent of binary integer is : "+(int)total);

//package JOptionPane
import java.util.*;

// the main class BinaryToDecimalCalculator
public class BinaryToDecimalCalculator

    public static void main(String[] args)
       Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);//string

		//declaration of input variables
       int binary,  exponent=0;
       float decimal, total=0  , currentNumber ;
       boolean error =false;//check for input errors

       //the user inputs a binary integer
       System.out.print("Enter binary number: ");
       binary = input.nextInt();

       //processing formular

           //fetches binary digits
           decimal = (float)(binary)%((float)10);
           binary = binary % 10;
           currentNumber = (int)(10 * (decimal - binary));

           //prompts the user input when it is not a binary integer
           if(currentNumber >1)
               System.out.println("The number you typed is not a binary value, re-run the program");
               error = true;
			   //computes the decimal value
               total += (currentNumber * (Math.pow(2, exponent)));
       }while(decimal !=0);

       System.out.println("The decimal equivalent of binary integer is : "+(int)total);


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For testing how to use operators, write a very small program that uses the operator and print out the results. Change the operands and do it again. Continue until you understand what is happening. If you have questions, post your code and questions here.

Threads merged.

@popsyjonhson: Please do not create multiple threads for a single question.

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