hi im jenna and i have been learning java
i have to write a program that does the stuff listed below
i have tried multiple times but i am not getting it right:'(
i dont understand what to do please help me :(
i have to hand it in to my professor soon.... soo :sweat:
the scenario is.....

you have to write a program using java language which will realize the following scenario
project scenario:when you run your program it will display a welcome messege (you choose ur welcome messege). then program will ask to input a number beetween 1-9999, once u (user) insert a number the program will output the english words corresponding to the inserted number then ask the user (display the messege),"will u want another try?" if user inser yes then program will ask again to insert a number beetween 1-9999. once u (user) insert another number it will again output in words and this process continues until the user response "No" for the question."will u want another try?". once user inserts "no" program will display "goodbye" and ends the program.

Printout a welcome message
Make a loop containing your question
then ask if the user wants to continue
then make the loop run while the user inputs yes otherwise the loop will stop ending the program

We're willing to help you as long as your willing to help yourself
post your code showing the effort you've made so far in coding your program

Printout a welcome message
Make a loop containing your question
then ask if the user wants to continue
then make the loop run while the user inputs yes otherwise the loop will stop ending the program

We're willing to help you as long as your willing to help yourself
post your code showing the effort you've made so far in coding your program

umm my work is on my other labtop which my friend has borrrowed so i am unable to show my work

That's ok, we'll wait.

u dont understand i really need this i tried so much please !!!!!!1
ill teel u what i did for the program i wrote up till 20
i did
public class
puclic static void main string args
int= "one, Two,Three,........ till 20)
and i did system.out.print ln something i forgot what itwas

u dont understand i really need this i tried so much please !!!!!!1
ill teel u what i did for the program i wrote up till 20
i did
public class
puclic static void main string args
int= "one, Two,Three,........ till 20)
and i did system.out.print ln something i forgot what itwas

Try to post your complete program

public class //missing class name?
puclic static void main string args //public static void main(String[] args)

seee i told u i have it on my frinds labtop not on mine ! :( please cxould u just help me its due tommorow

seee i told u i have it on my frinds labtop not on mine ! :( please cxould u just help me its due tommorow

You know you could make one right now if it's that important

Go visit your friend and get your computer back.

sigh forget it :( i give up ill get an F

Forum rules clear state Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from schoolwork assignments. If you not willing to actively participate in the process then it is not our fault that you get "F". We are not 24/7 coding service for lazy people

also, IMHO, if you would submit what you've explained us you did so far, you would be getting an F as well..

try this, instead of your:
{"one","two","three","four", ...."Nine hundred ninety nine thousand ..."} approach:
read your number:
divide by hundred thousand and don't forget to store the rest of the division
print a textual version of the thousands
continue with the 'rest value'
divide it by ten thousands, don't forget to store the rest of the division

if you don't know how to write a welcome message and a loop, to get you started,
don't go and try to be a perfectionist on all the code you need to hand in.
write a minimum, so at least your teacher may understand you've tried.

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