pl help me to writea program that takes a decimal number and coverts it to both octal and hexadecimal equivalents with two function detooct and dectohex. The out put willbe as under
enter a number 456
Num 456,octal710(710)hex1c8(1c8)

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pl help me to writea program that takes a decimal number and coverts it to both octal and hexadecimal equivalents with two function detooct and dectohex. The out put willbe as under
enter a number 456
Num 456,octal710(710)hex1c8(1c8)

[moderator edit]
That's pushing the bounds of good taste, iamthwee.

@ k.moorthy: We don't give free solutions. You need to show some proof of effort.
[/moderator edit]

pl help me to writea program that takes a decimal number and coverts it to both octal and hexadecimal equivalents with two function detooct and dectohex. The out put willbe as under
enter a number 456
Num 456,octal710(710)hex1c8(1c8)


pls help me to write a program that will input a word or a sentence and display that youve inputted in a reverse form. if the word you entered is the same as the reverse one, "Palindrome" will be displayed. Otherwise,"NOt Palindrome"

enter string:maxam


pls help me to write a program that will input a word or a sentence and display that youve inputted in a reverse form. if the word you entered is the same as the reverse one, "Palindrome" will be displayed. Otherwise,"NOt Palindrome"

2 Ways to do this - Either create a reversed copy of the string, and do a comparison, else use two iterators or placemarkers to compare characters of the string from the outside-in.

Hello K.Moorthy,
ur question is good. :?:
Take this code : :idea:

void main()
int n;
printf("\n Enter an integer =");
printf("\n octal eq.=%o, Hexa eq.=%x",n,n);
While i try for a logical one... :) :lol: :cheesy:

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