struct String
    std::cout<<"String::String(), this="<<this<<std::endl;

    std::cout<<"String::~String(), this="<<this<<std::endl;

  String(String const &other)
    std::cout<<"String::String(String const &other), this="<<this;
    std::cout<<", other="<<&other<<std::endl;

  String& operator=(String const &other)
    std::cout<<"String::operator=(String const &other), this="<<this;
    std::cout<<", other="<<&other<<std::endl;
    return *this;

String const operator*(String const &lhs, String const &rhs)
  String temp(rhs);
  std::cout<<"return by value(* operator)"<<std::endl;
  return temp; //without copy construct

int main()
  String D;
  String E;
  String F;
  D = E * F;

  return 0;

Compiler vc2010
OS win7 64bits

I expected it would copy construct temp before calling copy assignment
What kind of optimization did it done?NRVO?
If NRVO did it, what is the limit of NRVO?

That is obviously a return value optimization, I mean, it's a textbook example of NRVO. That's what you would expect any half-decent compiler to do.

I don't understand your question about the "limit" of NRVO. If you mean, how complex a situation can the compiler cope with, then I would guess that is pretty compiler-dependent.

how complex a situation can the compiler cope with, then I would guess that is pretty compiler-dependent.

That is what I mean, it is a good news that we have && now.

I assume you are referring to rvalue-references, not the logic "and" operator.

I assume you are referring to rvalue-references, not the logic "and" operator.

of course, next time I will say rvalue-references rather than &&

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