I have created a C# windows application for complete school management.
every thing is fine but some when i run debug and run my project it shows 'not enough memory to copy exe file'
i think the error occurs due to big size of project.
but how to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance.

What is the size of your exe file?
What are your compter specs?
How many other apps are up and running?

What is the size of your exe file?
What are your compter specs?
How many other apps are up and running?

75.5 MB exe
project size 4.59 GB
computer i3 4GB Windows7 500GB
no other application is running

Do you have a lot of embedded images to make the EXE that big?
If not, can you post some code?

Do you have a lot of embedded images to make the EXE that big?
If not, can you post some code?

its a big project of school management. including CCE report card, fees management, biometric attendance, library etc.

this error doesn't come regularly. it happens after four five time, i have run project.

this error doesn't come regularly. it happens after four five time, i have run project.

THAT's important information.
It sounds as if you have a memory leak or are consuming resources faster than they can be freed.

At this point, you might need either a good code review or a code analysis tool.

THAT's important information.
It sounds as if you have a memory leak or are consuming resources faster than they can be freed.

At this point, you might need either a good code review or a code analysis tool.

please suggest me code analysis tool.

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