I got a file downloaded named "Rybka v2.3.2a.mp.w32.exe". In GUI chess software you are able to add this as a chess engine, but I have no clue how the input/output of that engine works. As I understand the program sends the engine current position and the engine returns some output. However, I have no clue how this is done and got no clue where/how to search for it. Any directions would be very appreciated :)

Are you writing a chess game or are you trying to add this engine into an already existing chess game?

If it is a "library", you could add a reference to it from your project by right-clicking (in the solution explorer) References=>Add References -- then browse to that exe and add it.

If it is truly just an engine, I would imagine you would need to copy it to a directory with the chess program, then modify an INI file of some sort to point to that .exe file as the chess engine. You also might JUST need to rename it to a particular name in your chess program's executable directory.

You need to check on the site where you got it on how to install it.

Are you writing a chess game or are you trying to add this engine into an already existing chess game?

I am about to write a chess game :)

If it is a "library", you could add a reference to it from your project by right-clicking (in the solution explorer) References=>Add References -- then browse to that exe and add it.

Says that it is not a library and cannot be added.

You need to check on the site where you got it on how to install it.

I am unable to find anything. Only how to add this engine to other software, but nothing for whoever wants to program it for himself :(

I understand now that I've seen the home page.
To use THAT engine, you would need to create a GUI that adheres to its interface.

You should go on the forum for that site and ask their developers about creating an application that uses their specific engine.

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