HI everyone, like my last post stated I am new to programming so be patient with me. I am having a hell of a time writing this program and I was hoping some of you might be able to give me some quick pointers on the structure I should use. Maybe an example too?

Here's the problem:

Assignment: Write. Compile, test and document a C++ computer program as follows:

Write a C++ program that inputs 2 numbers.
Then, the program should add, subtract, multiple and divide the numbers outputting each mathematical operation as follows: The value of num1 = 8 and the value of num2 = 5 and their addition operation is 12.
Repeat output for the other mathematical operations.

So what have you got so far?


You can read more from here

You request one example.

using namespace std;
int main()
int num1,num2,result;

cout<<"Enter First number ";
cout<<"Enter second number ";
result=num1*num2// For multiplication 

cout<<"Multiplication of first and second number is "<<result;

return 0;

PS: :) " The value of num1 = 8 and the value of num2 = 5 and their addition operation is 12. " FALSE :) 8+5=13 :)

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