The goal of the project is to calc based on age and gender there rental rates for cars. but something is going terribly wrong T-T.

I am receiving the following errors in homework for java class.

----jGRASP exec: javac -g error: illegal start of expression
 public static String getGender(gender, Scanner kb)
 ^ error: illegal start of expression
 public static String getGender(gender, Scanner kb)
        ^ error: ';' expected
 public static String getGender(gender, Scanner kb)
                     ^ error: ')' expected
 public static String getGender(gender, Scanner kb)
                                               ^ error: illegal start of expression
 public static String getGender(gender, Scanner kb)
                                                  ^ error: ';' expected
 public static String getGender(gender, Scanner kb)
                                                   ^ error: illegal start of expression
            public static int calcAge( curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear)
            ^ error: illegal start of expression
            public static int calcAge( curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear)
                   ^ error: ';' expected
            public static int calcAge( curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear)
                         ^ error: ';' expected
            public static int calcAge( curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear)
                                                                                                  ^ error: illegal start of expression
        public static String calcRateClass(age, gender)
        ^ error: illegal start of expression
        public static String calcRateClass(age, gender)
               ^ error: ';' expected
        public static String calcRateClass(age, gender)
                            ^ error: ';' expected
        public static String calcRateClass(age, gender)
                                                       ^ error: illegal start of expression
            public static String displayResults(gender, age, rateResult)
            ^ error: illegal start of expression
            public static String displayResults(gender, age, rateResult)
                   ^ error: ';' expected
            public static String displayResults(gender, age, rateResult)
                                ^ error: ';' expected
            public static String displayResults(gender, age, rateResult)
                                                                        ^ error: class, interface, or enum expected
                }//end class
19 errors

 ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
 ----jGRASP: operation complete.

Here is the code

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Scanner;

 public class RentalRate

  public static void main(String[] args)
         int curMonth = 0;
         int curDay = 0;
         int curYear = 0;
         int birthMonth = 0;
         int birthDay = 0;
         int birthYear = 0;
         String gender = "";
         int age = 0;
         String rateResult;         

        // Testing mode...  
         if (args.length > 0)
            // Establish a 'current' date for testing...
            curMonth = 2;
            curDay = 1;
            curYear = 2012;

            System.out.println("First test case: Renter is not old enough to rent...");
            birthMonth = 2;
            birthDay = 2;
            birthYear = 1987;
            gender = "m";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);

            System.out.println("\nSecond test case: Renter is barely old enough (57/285)...");
            birthMonth = 2;
            birthDay = 1;
            birthYear = 1987;
            gender = "m";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);

            System.out.println("\nThird test case: Renter is 35 and male (40/200)...");
            birthMonth = 1;
            birthDay = 1;
            birthYear = 1977;
            gender = "m";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);

            System.out.println("\nFourth test case: Renter is 35 and female (40/200)...");
            birthMonth = 1;
            birthDay = 1;
            birthYear = 1977;
            gender = "f";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);

            System.out.println("\nFifth test case: Renter is 30 and male (57/285)...");
            birthMonth = 1;
            birthDay = 1;
            birthYear = 1982;
            gender = "m";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);

            System.out.println("\nSixth test case: Renter is 30 and female (40/200)...");
            birthMonth = 1;
            birthDay = 1;
            birthYear = 1982;
            gender = "f";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);

            System.out.println("\nSeventh test case: Renter is 76 and male (62/255)...");
            birthMonth = 1;
            birthDay = 1;
            birthYear = 1936;
            gender = "m";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);        

            System.out.println("\nEighth test case: Renter is 76 and female (66/265)...");
            birthMonth = 1;
            birthDay = 1;
            birthYear = 1936;
            gender = "f";
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);         
            Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
            System.out.println("Welcome to the car renter's rate finder.");

         // If you're not attempting the EC, get today's date from the user...
         //    Your code goes here...

         // If you are attempting the EC, use the Calendar class to get today's date...
         //    Your code goes here...

         // Get the gender...
         //    Your code goes here...
 public static String getGender(gender, Scanner kb)
            System.out.println("Please enter the renter's gender (m/f): ");
            gender = kb.nextLine();
            if(gender != 'm' || gender != 'f')
                System.out.println("Please enter a valid entry for gender (m/f)");
                return gender;
         // Get the date of birth...
         //    Your code goes here...

            public static int calcAge( curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear)
            System.out.println("Please enter the renter's date of birth (mm d yyyy)");
            curMonth = kb.nextInt();
            curDay = kb.nextInt();
            curYear = kb.nextInt();

            System.out.println("Thank you");

            int age = curYear-birthYear;
                    else if(birthMonth=curMonth&& BirthDay> curDay)
                    return age;

            }   //end calcAge
        public static String calcRateClass(age, gender)
            if(gender == 'm' || gender == 'M')//check for gender
                if(age < 33 && age > 24)
                return System.out.println(" Risk rate 2: $57.00 per day or $285.00 per week.");
                    else if(age > 32 && age < 66)
                    return System.out.println(" Best rate: 40.00 per day or $200.00 per week.");
                        else if(age > 65)
                        return System.out.println(" Risk rate 3: $" + (((age-65)*2.00)+40.00) + " per day or $" + (((age-65)*5.00)+200.00) + " per week.");
                            return System.out.println(" Sorry, the renter is not 25 years of age or older.");
            else// female
                if(age < 30 && age > 24)
                return System.out.println(" Risk rate 1: $50.00 per day or $255.00 per week.");
                    else if(age > 29 && age < 63)
                    return System.out.println("Best rate: $40.00 per day or $200.00 per week.");
                        else if(age > 62)
                        return System.out.println(" Risk rate 3: $" + (((age-62)*2.00)+40) + " per day or $" +(((age-62)*5.00)+200.00) + " per week.");
                                return System.out.println( " Sorry, the renter is not 25 years of age or older.");
            }//end method calcrateclass
            public static String displayResults(gender, age, rateResult)
            System.out.println("Thank you");
            String realGender = " ";

            if (gender == 'm' || gender == 'M')
            realGender = "male";
            else if(gender == 'f' || gender == 'F')         
            realGender ="female";
            System.out.println("The " + realGender + " renter is " + age + " years old.");

         // Get age...
            age = calcAge(curMonth, curDay, curYear, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);

            // Get the rental rate...
            rateResult = calcRateClass(age, gender);

            // Display the results...
            displayResults(gender, age, rateResult);

            }  // End 'if args.length > 0'
        }  // End main()
                }//end class

Put the methods before your main and Declare the variable types in your methods

Member Avatar for hfx642

Where is the end of your "else" which occurs before your method getGender?
ie. You can't create a method inside an if/else.

and never dismiss errors like this as 'random'.
they clearly indicate what kind of mistake you've made and where you made it.

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