
I have this fileupload control which saves excel file on my server, but somehow, if the excel file is larger than 4 mb it does not save the file, i used this code

can you please help me on why does this happen?


Could be that some servers do Not allow files to be uploaded If greater in size than 4MB. Check w/your web.host provider.

Could be that some servers do Not allow files to be uploaded If greater in size than 4MB. Check w/your web.host provider.

where could i find the web.host provider? thanks

"web.host provider" is someone as justhost.com, my web.host provider.

I did a quick google search and located this:

If you try to upload some file of more than 4 mb you will get and error. This is the default file size limit of dot net. This is defined in Machine.config. You can overwrite this in web.config. Like this...


For future references, If regarding ASP.NET, Then post on the ASP.NET forum.

Hope this helps.:)

For future reference, you can use an ASP.NET control like FileUltimate. It abstract the browser and server upload limitations for you.

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