The objective of this program is to create a drawing program that allows the user to select colors to use and objects to draw. The user will select a colored object to indicate which colors to use for drawing. A second set of objects will display objects the program will draw for the user. After selecting a color and an object, the user will use the mouse to show the program where to draw the objects. The user must have at least four objects to draw. The figure below shows an example of a GUI.

1. Create a number of pictureboxes on the form and set their colors.
2. Create a second set of pictureboxes to indicate the shapes that the program will draw.
3. Create global variables to store the colors and shapes the user has chosen.
4. Create mouse events to draw objects of the selected shapes and colors.
5. Add menu items to clear the form and to exit from the application.
6. Create additional shapes options such as triangles, pentagons.
7. Allow the user to select different pen thickness for lines.

For a project of this magnitude, you should probably try a site like CodeProject.

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Are you asking us to do this for you? Or did you have a question? People on this site won't typically do your homework for you.

Are you asking us to do this for you? Or did you have a question? People on this site won't typically do your homework for you.

oops, i'm sorry. i forgotten to put the question that i need to ask. what i want to do is how to allow the user to select different pen thickness for lines. i had search from the youtube, but i don't know why i typed the same thing as them but fail to debug.


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