i need helping constructing an array of structs, this is my part of my header file which contains the following struct

struct PCB
  el_t id; // contains the priority of the process                                                                      
  string state; // current state of the process (e.g running)
  PCB *next;// link to the next process  

i need help creating an array of 50 structs PCB and initialize all state to READY, and initialize all el_t id from 1 to 50 for example
id[0] = 1;

i never created an array of structs, so any help is appreciated.

First, consider writing a constructor, like

struct PCB{
	PCB(el_t id_,string state_){

Second, consider making the state an enum - that would be much better IMO, but it depends on you.

Finally, an array of structs is nothing special, just use operator.() , like:

int main(){
	PCB arr[50];
	for(int i=0;i<49;i++)

Finally, are you sure you can assign an int to type el_t ?

First, consider writing a constructor, like

struct PCB{
	PCB(el_t id_,string state_){

Second, consider making the state an enum - that would be much better IMO, but it depends on you.

Finally, an array of structs is nothing special, just use operator.() , like:

int main(){
	PCB arr[50];
	for(int i=0;i<49;i++)

Finally, are you sure you can assign an int to type el_t ?

thanks, so the constructor would still go in the header file
like this

typedef int el_t;

struct PCB{
	PCB(el_t id_,string state_){

class LL
  //Data members                                                                
  int count; // how many nodes do we currently have                             
  PCB *front;//pointer named front                                              
  PCB *rear;// pointer named rear                                               


  void insertProc(el_t NewNum);                                                           
  void removeHighestProc(el_t& OldNum);                                                              
  bool isEmpty();                                                             
  void displayQueue();
  void sort();                                                                
  void destroy();
  void size();



Constructor is just a normal method, just with no return type, so declare and define it like you would do with any other method (usually declaration in header file and definition in cpp file).

I just wrote it like that to make the code put in the forum as short as possible.
Of course don't forget to declare members of PCB ;)

Constructor is just a normal method, just with no return type, so declare and define it like you would do with any other method (usually declaration in header file and definition in cpp file).

I just wrote it like that to make the code put in the forum as short as possible.
Of course don't forget to declare members of PCB ;)

ok thanks for all the help, just one more question. after im done initializing all elements of the array
how would i use it on my main file

for example i have the following

int main()
  PCB* arr = new PCB[50];
  LL myLL;
  el_t OldNum;

for (int i = 0; i < 49;i++)
      arr[i].id = 1;


  myLL.insertProc(); // <- what should i put in here? let say i want to call the first index in the array
  myLL.insertProc(); // <- and here the second index
  myLL.displayQueue(); // so this should display 1 2


ok thanks for all the help, just one more question. after im done initializing all elements of the array
how would i use it on my main file

for example i have the following

int main()
  PCB* arr = new PCB[50];
  LL myLL;
  el_t OldNum;

for (int i = 0; i < 49;i++)
      arr[i].id = 1;


  myLL.insertProc(); // <- what should i put in here? let say i want to call the first index in the array
  myLL.insertProc(); // <- and here the second index
  myLL.displayQueue(); // so this should display 1 2


this is my insertProf function, if that helps

void LL::insertProc(el_t NewNum)

  if(rear == NULL)//CASE:1(if rear is null)                          
      front = rear = new PCB;
      rear->id = NewNum;
  else//CASE:2(if the list is not empty)                             
      rear->next = new PCB;
      rear = rear->next;
      rear->id = NewNum;
      rear->next = NULL;


Seems legit, just one thing: make count static, so that the value is shared across all instances of LL.
Further reading on static members:

yeah i will but referring to my other previous post how could i call an index of my PCB array using my insertProc()

would it be something like this? im not really familiar with this thats why im asking


The thing is, insertProc() accepts argument of type el_t , not PCB.
The way this is now, you would do something like


The thing is, insertProc() accepts argument of type el_t , not PCB.
The way this is now, you would do something like


thanks man i appreciate all your help. it worked , the thing is is that it initialized all indexes of the array to 1 i think, when it should initizialize them 1 through 50
i tested this

and it displayed
1 1
and it should of displayed
1 2

, but i can probably figure it out on my own. thanks

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