I have a brand new computer which was freshly loaded with Visual Basic 6.0. I have copied all the code from the previous computer to this new one.

But loading a project produced the following error.

Class MSGrid.Grid of control grdS101 was not a loaded control class.

So I did some research and I think that this means that the ocx file, grid32.ocx, needs to be loaded. I did a search of my hard drive and I found that this file was missing. The only thing close to it was dbgrid32.ocx.

Is this the same thing? If so, how do I “load it? If not, where do I find grid32.ocx and what do I have to do to load it?

Grid32.ocx ships with all editions of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, according to Microsoft. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/194784. Two files named Grid32.ocx are included.

It's on disk 2 of Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition, and presumably all other editions as well.

Welcome to the forum Steve... Did you by chance notice the posting date of the OP's original post? 2k6 there Steve... Just a bit of necroposting there Steve...

Welcome to the forum Steve... Did you by chance notice the posting date of the OP's original post? 2k6 there Steve... Just a bit of necroposting there Steve...


I figured my post would help others who might find this thread via external search engine--even at this late date--as I did. Also, it has a fair number of views (6,843 at the moment), so it seems to be of some lasting interest (it's unlikely that so many hits were generated when the post was new). Anyway, hope I didn't annoy by bumping an old thread.

"Necroposting"--good term. But . . . "it's alive!"

Please do not resurrect threads that are years old. By doing so you run the risk of confusing current posters and/or reopening old wounds.

Please read the rules before posting again - http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread78223.html and rules.

Thread Closed.

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