Hello, I need someone to give me ideas about a project to start developing it. I am an intermediate programmer and I want to develop my skills .thanks in advance guys

What do you like the most?

Think about what you do on the computer most of the time.
Now think about what would make that activity better.

Think about what you do OFF of the computer most of the time.
Now think about a problem in that activity that a computer could solve.

it doesn't matter i need to develop my skills it's not a matter of what do i like it's the matter of what do i need to improve

What I'm saying is that if the project is personal, your interest will be deeper and not just academic.

Other than that, database manipulators and web controllers are always in demand.
Parsing data is essential.
(Object oriented) Class design and development is essential (for C#).
Linq is a great help (...probably should know SQL first).

ok thx guys!!!

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