Hello !!

how to copy the text of textbox from application1 to application2

Please explain your question .this is not the right way .:-|

within the forms u can Do it. do u want to Show the data of application 1 in application 2?

within the forms u can Do it. do u want to Show the data of application 1 in application 2?

Ya you'r right...but not all the data only selected

guide me

within the application or Cross application data transfer?

skp03 hello !
i have an idea , may be this will help you , why not you use clipboard . like this

'place a timer on application1 then place this code on every tick event 
 TextBox1.Text = My.Computer.Clipboard.GetText.ToString
'the code which is copy by the user will auto paste in textbox1 .

i know this is not what you are looking for . but this is what i can do for you right now :),may be this will give you any idea.


within the application or Cross application data transfer?

cross application and one more thing can we publish our application more than 1 time

If ur using the database then you can save the data in Db and read from DB in 2nd application and show. Application can be published as many times as you want, Changing the version number.

If ur using the database then you can save the data in Db and read from DB in 2nd application and show. Application can be published as many times as you want, Changing the version number.

and one more thing is

see i have a application1 and application2 in application1 i have added a button by "publishing", but can we publish application2 by clicking that button("publishing")which is in application1 please guide me

or else let me know any other way

but we should not open application2 to publish please tell me some other ways please

Publish means that you want to build your project .exe ?

Yes socketing could be one of the sollution but im not sure how.
Dear waqasaslammmeo publishing application is not just building the exe files. It includes all the necessary files for the application which can be placed in the server so that when user clicks on exe it will look for updates and gets it and much more


Use sockets.

how can we use sockets please explain me with a code please

and apart from this their is no other way please explain me

u can use ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory api call.

Private Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal Handel As Integer, ByVal Address As Integer, ByRef Value As Long, ByVal Size As Long, ByVal BytesWritten As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal Handel As Integer, ByVal Address As Integer, ByRef Value As Long, ByVal Size As Long, ByVal BytesWritten As Long) As Long

The two application will declare some memory space for act like a buffer.

Now from app1 write data to buffer memory of app2 and vise-versa

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