Hi All! I just have a question (looking for advice) i'm trying to write a web based app and i don't know if i should program in c# or asp.net. What advice would you give a noob, who is more comfortable on the hardware side trying to get a better grasp on software.


Considering C# is a web based language (C#.net) the answer is pretty obvious. Asp.Net can be coded in either VB.net or C# so if you know C# go right ahead and code in that.

ASP.NET is a web framework, not a programming language. So you don't program in ASP.NET.

C# isn't a web based language. It's just a normal OO language that has a framework (ASP.NET) for writing web based applications.

Exactly as memorath explained. People are mixing these kind of expressions all the time.

I recommend ASP.NET with a C# back-end.
If done with class-libraries (in assemblies), you can use ANY dot net language as long as your "stub" is in either VB or C#.
...but I still recommend C#.

I recommend ASP.NET with a C# back-end.
If done with class-libraries (in assemblies), you can use ANY dot net language as long as your "stub" is in either VB or C#.
...but I still recommend C#.

Aren't VB and C# the only .Net languages? (I'm pretty sure J# and F# are dead in the water.)

Hello! :: C++/CLI :)

F# (at least right now) is a first-class citizen of Visual Studio, so it's an option for creating assemblies that can be used anywhere in dot net.

commented: Touche +9

Aren't VB and C# the only .Net languages? (I'm pretty sure J# and F# are dead in the water.)

Not even close. Here's a page that lists the CLI languages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_languages

Not even close. Here's a page that lists the CLI languages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_languages

Wow I had no idea there were so many implementations. But really - I think it's safe to say the vast majority of .Net programming is done with C# and VB.Net seeing as I've never heard of most of those before :P .

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