Am a total newbie to java. What am trying to do is to control a robot through network. I need to send commands between a laptop(client) and a PDA (server), it is describe in the pic HERE .I have a few questions...
1- The java used to program the PDA is the same java using to program a desktop application? Is the runtime enviornment for Palm OS is freely available?
2- What are the tools that I can use to build the interface in Java?What are the development enviornment that I need?
3- Can u give me a few links on network programing in java and good tutorials about java basics that I need to build an interface and to send and recieve the commands THROUGH TCP/IP PROTOCOL.
I know the basic program skills, and am a good ASP programer but I need to implement this in java. I dont have experience in desktop applications.
Thanks in advance


As you said you are a total newbie i dont think you should be doing this.....
people do this sort of stuff when they fully understand the networking in java and other parts of java........ :mrgreen:

Am not that stupid....
I know the algorithm about how the programming should work...

At the server side (PDA) that will serve the client (computer) requests:
1. A socket is opened and the machine listens for all clients at a particular port number.
2. Simultaneously the serial port of the device is also opened.
3. The data input stream created by the socket is connected all the way to the serial port. So any data stream that the socket receives is immediately sent out of the serial port. This is done a string at a time.
4. Once the data string is sent out of the serial port the machine is ready to receive another string of data from the client.
5. The steps 3 and 4 are repeated till the connection is closed by the client.
6. Once the connection is closed, the machine stops listening on the port number and
Simultaneously closes the serial port.
To start a new connection the server program will have to execute again

Programming the client –the desktop computer in order to send commands for the motor over the network involved the following steps:
1. Open a socket by creating a socket object
2. Create an output stream consisting of the commands for the control board.
3. Send the input stream over the network.
4. Close the socket when the application is completed.
The client program has the IP address of the handheld device. This program runs on the desktop computer. . To make a connection request, the client tries to rendezvous with the server on the handheld device and port.

But I need more resources on the whole issue....Ive got some time, 3months to implement it.... Help Guys


I didn't say you were stupid and didn't mean to. Just thought if you are newbie as you said than you should not be doing this :mrgreen:

Am not that stupid....
I know the algorithm about how the programming should work...

At the server side (PDA) that will serve the client (computer) requests:
1. A socket is opened and the machine listens for all clients at a particular port number.
2. Simultaneously the serial port of the device is also opened.
3. The data input stream created by the socket is connected all the way to the serial port. So any data stream that the socket receives is immediately sent out of the serial port. This is done a string at a time.
4. Once the data string is sent out of the serial port the machine is ready to receive another string of data from the client.
5. The steps 3 and 4 are repeated till the connection is closed by the client.
6. Once the connection is closed, the machine stops listening on the port number and
Simultaneously closes the serial port.
To start a new connection the server program will have to execute again

Programming the client –the desktop computer in order to send commands for the motor over the network involved the following steps:
1. Open a socket by creating a socket object
2. Create an output stream consisting of the commands for the control board.
3. Send the input stream over the network.
4. Close the socket when the application is completed.
The client program has the IP address of the handheld device. This program runs on the desktop computer. . To make a connection request, the client tries to rendezvous with the server on the handheld device and port.

Did you just answer your own question?

If you are a total '''''newb''''' like you said you were, then take a year to learn what you need to do first.

am a newbie when it comes to java and not to programming as a whole I know the concepts very well, I need guidance on where to start 4rm.... am not trying 2play smart here or anything but i dont think it's mission impossible with some hard working 4rm me and help when I need it....


1-There are 2 versions (actually 3 with J2EE) of Java J2SE (standart) and J2ME (mobile). J2ME w/ MIDP profile is mostly used on cell phones for games. It all depends on the PalmOS version and the capabilities of your device (which Palm model are you going to use?). Palm os natively supports J2ME for sometime depening on your version.(http://www.palmos.com/dev/tech/java/developers.html) but there are other proprietary Java VM like implementations w/ J2SE compatibility. Check Waba (http://www.wabasoft.com), SuperWaba (http://superwaba.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/SupportedDevices http://www.superwaba.com) and EweVm (http://www.ewesoft.com) as J2ME might not cut your needs.
2-Those sites above explain you all the IDE an GUI options you have for J2ME and J2SE.
3-Same as 2.

If you were using a Microsoft PocketPC device. I would strongly suggest using C# with .Net Compact Framework for portability and interoperability.

Loren Soth

you might not be stupid, but your childish use of language makes you look incredibly stupid.

Listen to advise, learn the language and libraries before trying something complex. You sound just like the many kids who never programmed in their lifes and run into game programming boards with their questions on how they can create the next Doom beating game in a week.

Hi there
I am also doing a project on PDA for PalmOS. As far as I know J2ME, SuperWaba, waba are the Java and related to java tools. And also you can get the free development environment for PalmOS in the Internet. I forgot the links.
I am currently is using SuperWaba because J2ME could not support Unicode in order to display my native language characters.


1-There are 2 versions (actually 3 with J2EE) of Java J2SE (standart) and J2ME (mobile). J2ME w/ MIDP profile is mostly used on cell phones for games. It all depends on the PalmOS version and the capabilities of your device (which Palm model are you going to use?). Palm os natively supports J2ME for sometime depening on your version.(http://www.palmos.com/dev/tech/java/developers.html) but there are other proprietary Java VM like implementations w/ J2SE compatibility. Check Waba (http://www.wabasoft.com), SuperWaba (http://superwaba.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/SupportedDevices http://www.superwaba.com) and EweVm (http://www.ewesoft.com) as J2ME might not cut your needs.
2-Those sites above explain you all the IDE an GUI options you have for J2ME and J2SE.
3-Same as 2.

If you were using a Microsoft PocketPC device. I would strongly suggest using C# with .Net Compact Framework for portability and interoperability.

Loren Soth

Ehmm, didn't that post started 2 years ago and same time there was last post? Beside that, since then there was a change in terms of Java development for mobile devices, more tools are available and larger number of JSRs is there to use, which many of them gone be included in in new release of JavaMicroedition very soon

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