Good Day!.
I have a big problem. I have here a combobox1 in form1, combobox1 has a value of Mr.A and Mr.B. and the form2 has a evaluation question with 5 radiobuttons. I want that if i choose from that combobox1. The form2 will know who i choose, and when i answer the question in form2. The Data will insert into my sql database.
Please Help Me!. :(

for this declare a public variable , like this

public Name as string 
'now place this code at the selected index change event
name = combo.text

now you can get name variable value at any place in your form,


you need to pass the value from Form1 to Form2. when u open form2 , you pass the value to form2. you need to declare public parameter in form2.

public value1 as integer
value1 = combox1.selectedvalue

dim frm as new Form2
frm.value = value1

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