This program is working fine except it is suppose to give me the total of all the money inputted when option 4 is selected. It is only giving me the last amount that was inputted when option 4 is selected. Can someone give me a clue about what I am doing wrong???

import java.util.*;

public class GiftsDemo1{

//application entry point
public static void main(String[] args) {

//Define constants
    int Input = -1;
    double Amount = 0.0;
    double totalCollected = 0.0;

//display out
    System.out.println("Gifts Program");

    while (Input != 4) {

     System.out.println("Gifts Types:");
     System.out.println("1. Enter the number of U.S. Dollars");
     System.out.println("2. Enter the number of euros");
     System.out.println("3. Enter the number of yen");
     System.out.println("4. Exit the program and get total");
     System.out.print("Please select an option from 1-4 ");

//set input stream
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
Input = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());

while ((Input < 1) || (Input > 4))
    System.out.println(" You have entered an invalid selection, " +
    "please try again");
    System.out.print("Please select an option from 1-4 ");
    in = new Scanner(;
    Input = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());

if (Input == 4){
   System.out.println("Total collected: " +
   totalCollected + "dollars\n");
   System.out.print("What is the amount to be converted ");
   Amount = Double.parseDouble(in.nextLine());

if (Input == 1)
   totalCollected += (Amount * 1);
   System.out.println("Conversion Complete: " +
   totalCollected + " dollars\n");
else if (Input == 2)
   totalCollected += (Amount * 1.24);
   System.out.println("Conversion Complete: " +
   totalCollected + " dollars\n");
else if (Input == 3)
   totalCollected += (Amount * 0.0092);
   System.out.println("Conversion Complete: " +
   totalCollected + " dollars\n");

class Gifts {
   double dollars;
   double euros;
   double yen;
   double dollarsRate;
   double eurosRate;
   double yenRate;
   double dollarInDollars;
   double eurosInDollars;
   double yenInDollars;

   double dollarInDollars(){
   return dollars * dollarsRate;

   double eurosInDollars(){
   return euros *eurosRate;

   double yenInDollars(){
   return yen * yenRate;
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I get this when compiling... [29:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class Scanner 
location: class GiftsDemo1
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
^ [29:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class Scanner 
location: class GiftsDemo1
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
                 ^ [38:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class Scanner 
location: class GiftsDemo1
    in = new Scanner(;
3 errors
Errors compiling GiftsDemo1.

Do you have the Scanner class by any chance? I'm using netbeans 3.6?

Scanner is new in JDK 5.0.
Netbeans 3.x is seriously outdated, won't know about it.

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