i need help with this program,

i need to give the user 20 chances to guess, and they should be asked if they want to playagain.(by playing again i mean generating a new number with 20 new chances) after playing for how many times i should count the number of wins and losses when they should to exit. (one loss is failing to guess the right number for 20 times.)

oh we need to use functions

this is my code:

// *************************************************** 
// Guess my number 
// ***************************************************

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;
void take_a_guess(int);

int  main( )
	int range = 100;
	int myNumber;
	srand(time(NULL));    //initailize random generator
	myNumber = rand()%range ;
	take_a_guess (myNumber);
	return 0;

void take_a_guess( int myNumber)

	int Right=0, Wrong=0;
	int range = 100;

	int loopCount,  wins = 0, losses = 0, n1, n2, yourNumber, win_message;
	string answer; 
	string message; 
	loopCount = 0;
	int playagain;
	bool ans;

		cout << "I have a number between 0-99 in mind." << endl;
		cout << "Please type your guess:" << endl;
		cin >> yourNumber;

		message = myNumber > yourNumber ? "small" : "large"; 

		while(loopCount <= 20 )


			if (yourNumber == myNumber)

				win_message = true;	


				n1 = rand() % 10;

				switch (n1)
				case 0 :

			cout << "You 're smart. My number was " << myNumber << endl;
				case 1:
		cout << "You 're lucky. My number was " << myNumber << endl;
				case 2:
		cout << "WOW, My number is " << myNumber << endl;
			case 3:
			cout << "Cool! My number is " << myNumber << endl;

			case 4:

			cout << "Great!! My number is " << myNumber << endl;
				case 5:
			cout << "You got it! my number was " << myNumber << endl;
				case 6:
		cout << "Nice guess! my number was " << myNumber << endl;
			case 7:
		cout << "Nice try! my number was " << myNumber << endl;
				case 8:
			cout << " I like that! my number was " << myNumber << endl;
			case 9:
		cout << "You guessesd right!! my number was " << myNumber << endl;
				case 10:
		cout << "LOL... YOU GOT ME THERE! my number was " << myNumber << endl;
				default :
			cout << "there is a problem with the random function!" << endl;


				n2 = rand() % 10;

				switch (n2)
				case 0:
	cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " << message << ". You do not worry about getting them wrong, try again.\n" << endl;
				case 1:

		cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 

			<< message << ".Do not worry about missing .\n" << endl;
				case 3:

		cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 

			<< message << cout << "type here please." << endl;

				case 4:
		cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 

			<< message << ".  try your luck again," << endl;

				case 5:
			cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too "

			<< message << ". You still have a chance. " << endl;

				case 6:
			cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 

			<< message << ". Another try might work,\n" << endl;
				case 7:

			cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 

				<< message << ". You still have a chance. " << endl;
				case 8:

	cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 
<< message << ". you missed, come on!. " << endl;
				case 9 :

		cout << "You typed " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 

			<< message << ". ops! you didnt guess right. " << endl;
				case 10:

		cout << "You wrote " << yourNumber << ". Your number is too " 

			<< message << ". It's ok if you miss. " << endl;
		cout << "something is wrong with your random function" << endl;

		if( win_message != true)

			cout << "sorry! you lost." << endl;
			cout << "Would you like to play again? (y/n)" << endl;
			cin >> playagain;

while (playagain == 'y' || playagain == 'Y');

cout << "you won " << wins << " times, and lost " << losses << " times." << endl;

return ;	

Fix those ending brackets with the loops(starting from the do(while...))
and next time properly indent your code and put it in between

tags so we can check the code properly

You need to explain the problem you are having. We can't help you if we don't know what you need help with.

Added code tags

my problem is I can't get it to generate random comments. also how do i get it to play again and count the number of winning and losses

my problem is I can't get it to generate random comments. also how do i get it to play again and count the number of winning and losses

What random comments?
Put a loop around the area you want to repeat.
Before the loop set wins/losses to 0
Update them at the bottom of the loop
Also, at the bottom ask if you want to play again. The answer controls the loop.

Be sure to initialize the variables at the top of the loop that need to be initialized for each game.

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