hi all, can any1 teach me how to add in the x (0-5V) and y axis (0-5SEC) to a picture in my form?

below is a example of what i mean, x and y axis value.



hi all, if you guys don understand what i mean, below is another example picture of what i need to add..


this picture is found on google just for example on what i need. the values of x and y axis is what i need to add on my own visual basic project.
but i don know how to do it..
so any who know how to do it, please assist!

thanks !

any1 can assist me please =)

I don't understang what are your trying to do. But seems you want to make a line chart.
Why you don't use Microsoft Chart Control?
Go to Project->Component->Mircrosoft Chart Control 6.0

commented: nice assist +1

actually i have a waveform picture for my project. i jus need to make a link chart on it.. i will try chart control. thanks!

hi jz_man, i have added a chart with Mircrosoft Chart Control 6.0

can u teach me how to i change the values of X and Y axis?
for the X axis i need to set 0 in the middle of the picture other then 0 to 100
and for y axis, how to add in more column other then R1 to R5?


the website above show what i mean.

thanks !

can any1 help me with this ? how to i change the values of X and Y axis using
Mircrosoft Chart Control 6.0

anyone can help ?

for the X axis i need to set 0 in the middle of the picture other then 0 to 100

what you mean about this? it's more like termometer?


Okay. Set Axis X and Y :

Private Sub Form_Load()
    MSChart1.RowCount = 15 'Set Column Number'
    MSChart1.Plot.Axis(VtChAxisIdY).CategoryScale.Auto = False
    MSChart1.Plot.Axis(VtChAxisIdY).ValueScale.Maximum = 100 'Set X scale'
End Sub
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