actually, i don't know where to post this thread. but i know the people available on have much knowledge. will you please tell me that how to start writing proposal. i have spend 2 full days on PC reading about G-SOC but still i am not getting how to apply for the G-SOC ? will please please anyone tell me the procedure? it's a humble request! i am not getting it... :'(

Well, Google and some other groups sponsor students to help improve a variety of open source projects, and the students chosen get to spend the summer coding, and getting paid for their work. Plus, they get a lot of exposure to some of the top people and companies involved with open source, who may well end up hiring the students after they finish school. We hire a number of interns to work on similar projects ourselves and the good ones are offered full-time positions when they graduate.

So, the three steps are:

1. Propose a project for your summer of coding.
2. If selected, spend the summer coding away.
3. Get paid for your summer of efforts.

They start taking student applications March 26, 2012 at 19:00 UTC (7:00pm GMT). So, you have about a week to come up with an appropriate project if you are interested in applying. According to the calendar on the G-SOC site, from today until the 26th, the activities are "Would-be student participants discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations". You need to sign-in, sign-up, and get on the the IRC chat lines with the mentoring organizations. Here is the FAQ page about getting connected and such over an internet chat channel:

Well, Google and some other groups sponsor students to help improve a variety of open source projects, and the students chosen get to spend the summer coding, and getting paid for their work. Plus, they get a lot of exposure to some of the top people and companies involved with open source, who may well end up hiring the students after they finish school. We hire a number of interns to work on similar projects ourselves and the good ones are offered full-time positions when they graduate.

So, the three steps are:

1. Propose a project for your summer of coding.
2. If selected, spend the summer coding away.
3. Get paid for your summer of efforts.

They start taking student applications March 26, 2012 at 19:00 UTC (7:00pm GMT). So, you have about a week to come up with an appropriate project if you are interested in applying. According to the calendar on the G-SOC site, from today until the 26th, the activities are "Would-be student participants discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations". You need to sign-in, sign-up, and get on the the IRC chat lines with the mentoring organizations. Here is the FAQ page about getting connected and such over an internet chat channel:

means what type pf projects i can have ? how to suggest a project ? means i am not clear about this thing. and will you please confirm that it will open on 26 march or it is opened till 26 march ?

You know as much as I do about G-SOC. Submissions by potential participants opens on the 26th, but you can connect with (via IRC - Internet Relay Chat) mentoring/hosting companies and others before then in order to get ideas of what they are looking for, etc. I realize that English is likely not your native language, but I think you need to try to understand what is being said on the SOC web site a bit better. I have told you all I can.

ok! any other info ?

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